Census Dashboard
The main points of contact are:
- Karly Jerman: For giving someone user access to the dashboard, feedback and questions.
- Laura Jones: From the LOD team for questions and census information.
- Salony Mohanty: From the LOD team for questions and census information.
The census dashboard takes the census data from the portal and puts it into a self-service data portal.
Link to Dashboard
Here is the link to the Census Dynamic Reach Report https://app.powerbi.com/links/s7fttgGmTA?ctid=46006f38-0a1c-41bb-9fc4-05eb7afe1225&pbi_source=linkShare
Instructions on how to gain access
Please look here for instructions on how to get access: https://specialolympics.github.io/soi-docs/data_best_practices/external_access/. The ProductName
for this dashboard is CensusReachReport
After you follow the instructions on that link for Python automation to add users
, then the following email will be sent to the user:
You have access to the census dashboard!
Here is the link to the Census Dynamic Reach Report
Here are a few tips and overview of each page.
Helpful tips:
- You will only have data that you are allowed to access. If a plot shows up oddly, it might be because you do not have access to certain data.
- Select from the dropdowns on the left-hand side to filter the data.
- To select more than one selection from a dropdown (for example: to see more than one program), hold control on PC (or command on Mac) and click.
- You can hover over plots to see more detail and specific numbers.
- Hover over the information bubbles (they look like a circle with an āiā inside) to understand the dashboard better. If you would like one of these added in a particular area to make something easier to understand, please let us know.
- You will be able to download data on the Data Table page. Follow the instructions on the dashboard to download the data desired.
- Some of the pages will take a bit of time to load, there is a small grey loading circle that will pop up when that happens. It is sometimes hard to see.
- There is a light and dark mode on the top right.
- On the top right of the dashboard, there is a green refresh button. This will reset your filters if you need.
- On tables like the Data Table page, hover over the table to see the options to expand and collapse the table selections. In general, the buttons with the down arrows will expand, and the up arrow will collapse the table. My advice for learning these is to click the buttons and see how they affect the table, then use the green refresh button if you get stuck.
A high level overview of each page:
- Overview: Shows a few high level numbers.
- Athletes: Shows sport and athletes metrics.
- Unified Sports & Coaches: Shows unified sports and coaches metrics.
- Schools, Young Athletes, MATP & Fitness: Shows school, young athletes, MATP and fitness metrics.
- Competitions & Social Media: Shows competitions and social media metrics.
- Leadership: Shows leadership metrics.
- Global Footprint: Shows the athletes and unified partners numbers on a map. Remember that you will only see data that you have access to, so there may be blanks if you do not have access to some data.
- Compare: You can select a metric and see the value in a graph. If you have access, you can see multiple programs and regions on the same plot. Remember that you will only see data that you have access to.
- Strategic Targets: You can see the table broken up by metric, year, program and region with the prior year value, gain or loss, and percent change. I am thinking of possibly removing this table, as all of the information is in the data table page. Please let me know if you use this page and want to keep it.
- Map: Select a metric and see it in a USA and Global map. Remember that you will only see data that you have access to.
- Plot Totals: This page enables you to select any metric (or combination of metrics), plot the values over time and see the values in a downloadable table.
- Data Table: This shows you all metrics in a table. This table is available for download by following the instructions on the page. Blanks show missing data.
- Gender, Sport & Age: This page has downloadable tables for the metrics broken up by gender, sport, and age to make downloading those easier. You can select any metric or combination of metrics.
- Detailed Data: This has data that can be filtered by gender, age group, sport, and metric value. It is downloadable in aggregate, by region and by program.
- Calculated Fields: This has all fields that are calculated from the data. It can be broken down by Region, Program and Sport. If there are additional calculations you would like, please let me know.
- Sports Offered: This shows the number of programs that offer a sport each year in a downloadable table.
Please send any feedback you have, as we are always looking to improve upon the dashboard!
If you have any questions or encounter any issues at any time, please reach out!
Thank you,
SOI Data Team