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Census Verification Dashboard


The main points of contact are:

  • Karly Jerman: For giving someone user access to the dashboard, feedback and questions.
  • Laura Jones: From the LOD team for questions and census information.
  • Salony Mohanty: From the LOD team for questions and census information.


The census verification dashboard is a dashboard to help during the data verification process when the census data is being entered by program and regions. The Census Stakeholders and Champions mainly use this dashboard to help with this process. The data goes through a list of rules to come up with flags for the data. This helps automate a manual process to show the flags and enable programs/regions to quickly act on data errors.

Link to the dashboard:

Instructions on how to gain access

Please look here for instructions on how to get access: The ProductName for this dashboard is CensusVerification. Anyone who has access to the Census dashboard will get access to this dashboard, but this dashboard is mainly used for the Census Champions and Census Stakeholders.

After you follow the instructions on that link for Python automation to add users, then the following email will be sent to the user:


You have access to the Census Verification Dashboard! This dashboard works to automatically run a list of data verification rules and show the result.
When I mention a “flag” in this email I mean one of the rules that is checked for the census verification process. The flags that are run are listed in the “Flag Details” page. If you have additional flags/rules or edits that you would like added to this, please let me know.


 - Overview: This shows a high level overview of the flags by count, year, region, and which metrics have the most flags.
 - Flags & Comments: This page shows all verification flags and census comments in a downloadable table. Please read the instructions on this page, as there is not always a comment for each flag because the comments are from when individuals enter them on the census system. This is likely the main page that will be used.
 - Flag Details: This lists all flags that are being tested on the dashboard. The box scrolls down to show additional rules.
 - Analyze Changes: This page shows the verification flags in a very detailed table. This page has additional filters and information to compare past and current numbers in depth. Please read the information bubbles on the page for additional information.
 - Status: This page shows the submission status for the most recent census.

Other helpful notes:

 - This dashboard has the same data access as the Census Dashboard. The Programs/Regions you see on the Census Dashboard are the same as with this new Census Verification Dashboard. You will only have access to data that you are approved for.
 - To select more than one from a dropdown, hold control on PC (or command on Mac) and click.
 - You can hover over plots to see more detail and specific numbers.
 - Hover over the information bubbles (they look like a circle with an ‘i’ inside) to understand the dashboard better. If you would like one of these added in a particular area to make something easier to understand, please let us know. 
 - You will be able to download data on some pages. Follow the instructions on the dashboard to download the data desired.
 - Some of the pages will take a bit of time to load, there is a small grey loading circle that will pop up when that happens. It is sometimes hard to see. 

Link to the dashboard: 

Thank you!
SOI Data Team