HAS Dashboard
The main points of contact are:
- Abir Salah: For all questions regarding the dashboard, Abir is the main point of contact to help train users and help them get the data that they need.
- Karly Jerman: For giving someone user access to the dashboard.
- John Hanley: For data requests.
The HAS Dashboard is a dashboard showing the HAS data. It is a self service platform to get users access to their data.
Link to the tutorial video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U_X8riID7h8&list=PLrBf35xtHQUqmnR_-vu-_ND4Yu3SJJh7y&index=4&t=3s
In the future, Mozzaz will be creating a HAS dashboard. Because of this, we are currently not changing any features to the HAS dashboard unless it is an issue. All feature requests should now go to the Mozzaz team for their future dashboard development.
Link to Dashboard
Link to the dashboard: https://app.powerbi.com/links/p6MoEvXqjJ?ctid=46006f38-0a1c-41bb-9fc4-05eb7afe1225&pbi_source=linkShare
Instructions on how to gain access
This dashboard contains individual level information about referrals, so it is extremely important that only individuals who are able to access that level of data have access to the dashboard.
Please look here for instructions on how to get access: https://specialolympics.github.io/soi-docs/data_best_practices/external_access/. The ProductName
for this dashboard is HASDashboard
After you follow the instructions on that link for Python automation to add users
, then the following email will be sent to the user:
You have access to the HAS Self-Service Data Portal! This is an extremely exciting time, and we are excited to share the tool with you.
Please watch the tutorial video to learn how to use the dashboard, the link is at the bottom of this email. If you still have questions or would like further training, Abir (cced) can set up a time with you to train you on using the portal and help answer questions.
Please read the following tips and overview of each page.
Here are a few helpful tips:
- You will only have data that you are allowed to access. If a plot shows up oddly, it might be because you do not have access to certain data. For example, Illinois will only be able to see their own data, so on the Metric Map will only show the Illinois data in the North America section and blank everywhere else. Going with the Illinois example, that program will have access to Host Program = Illinois and Athlete Program = Illinois. Because of this, you might see additional programs and regions in the drop downs for the individuals who are from Illinois (Athlete Program = Illinois) but attend a games somewhere else (like attending the World Games in Berlin).
- To select more than one from a dropdown (for example: to see more than one host program), hold control on PC (or command on Mac) and click.
- You can hover over plots to see more detail and specific numbers.
- Hover over the information bubbles (they look like a circle with an āiā inside) to understand the dashboard better. If you would like one of these added in a particular area to make something easier to understand, please let us know.
- You will be able to download data on some pages. Follow the instructions on the dashboard to download the data desired.
- Some of the pages will take a bit of time to load, there is a small grey loading circle that will pop up when that happens. It is sometimes hard to see.
- There are 2 main datasets in the dashboard. Data prior to 2016 is from the legacy HASdatabase, which has slight differences in data capture then the current HAS database.
- There is a light and dark mode option on the top right.
A high level overview of each page:
- Overview: Shows counts of screenings overall.
- Discipline: Discipline page where you can select a discipline and see the desired metrics and plots for that discipline. The disciplines here are: Special Smiles, Healthy Hearing, Fit Feet, Fun Fitness, Health Promotion, Strong Minds and Opening Eyes. Note that this page may load slowly when changing disciplines.
- Plot: Select one of the calculated measures and see it over time, by age category, gender, and sport. If you select a discipline and measure from the top, it will filter the plots below. Note that this page may load slowly.
- Data Table: This shows you all calculated measures each year in a table. This table is available for download by following the instructions on the page. Blanks show missing data. Note that this page may load slowly.
- Attendance: This shows the number of screenings and health disciplines attended by an individual each year. Also, the number of years an individual was screened.
- Referrals: This shows all of the referral data. You can download the referral data with contact information for an individual by following the instructions on the page. There is also a plot where you can select a referral measure and see it over time, by gender and by age group. Note that this page may load slowly.
- Compare: Select one of the calculated measures and see it across a selected host region, host program, athlete region, athlete program and overall. Note that this page may load slowly.
- Metric Map: Select one of the calculated measures and view it by host region and athlete region.
- USA Map: Select one of the calculated measures and view it by state for host program and athlete program.
Common Errors:
- Please remember to clear your filters if you are having trouble finding data. The filters filter each other to only show valid options.
- You must be signed into PowerBi/Microsoft with the email address that this email is sent to. You get access to the data and dashboard through your email address.
Link to the dashboard:
Link to the tutorial video:
Thank you!
SOI Data Team