In this section we discuss the systems and solutions landscape currently at SOI as well as our team’s lean tech stack. This section will also explain how to gain access to our main solutions that we use daily.
Systems and solutions landscape
Our services landscape is currently complex and consists of:
- Multiple CRM solutions each providing bespoke features to different business units including accreditation, donors, grants, and corporate relationships, e.g. EveryAction, ROI Solutions, Salesforce, SmartSimple, and UCS Grants
- A homegrown games management system (GMS)
- Healthy Athletes application for medical screenings (HAS) integrated with an electronic health records (EHR) system build atop open-source code with heavy specialization (OpenMRS)
- A major games management system provided by ATOS
- A learning management portal (LMS)
- A fitness tracker and social networking platform called SO FitNow (“CoreHealth”)
- A program-level census web app
- A youth engagement app
Data Warehouse
Our data warehouse is an Azure SQL Server. It houses data from many of our systems mentioned above. Below is a diagram of our data warehouse architecture.
Data Lake
Azure Data Lakes are located on the Microsoft cloud. They will serve as the main repository for data that does not fit into our data warehouse structure. Examples of data that should be stored in the SOI data lake are tables that are from one off data capture events (e.g., surveys), images, historical datasets, and any other type of data that is not saved in SOI data warehouse. We envision the data lake and warehouse to be the central repository for all SOI data in the near future.
- Python - our pipelines and algorithms are built using python
- SQL - we access and filter data from our warehouse using SQL
- Git - all of our work is under source control in Github