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HAS (Healthy Athlete System)

See Resources -> HAS

This page shows the unique values in the HAS Views (HAS.FitFeetView, HAS.FunFitnessView, etc). The non-view tables (ex: HAS.FitFeet, HAS.FunFitness) lack the cleaning and calculated columns that the views have. Additionally, HASPublic.{} tables join the resolved personuuid's back to the views, so from a user-perspective people should use HASPublic schema to query has screening data.

In summary, the entire HAS schema can be ignored and one should use the HASPublic tables. This is because the HAS.tables are the data without cleaning, the HAS.views add cleaning to the data, but the HASPublic.tables take the cleaned data and connect to core to give PersonUuid. The columns are mostly the same across the tables, but the cleaning and connection to core is the difference.

The data is the combination of all HAS data we have (legacy, vecna). There is a lot of cleaning done to the legacy data to make it in the same format as the vecna data. There will be differences in data capture from the legacy to vecna because of this, such as missing categories or some columns that will not have legacy data.

The HAS schema contains Healthy Athletes data over time. It consists of eight tables (health disciplines):

  • FitFeet
  • FunFitness
  • HealthPromotion
  • HealthyHearing
  • OpeningEyes
  • SpecialSmiles
  • StrongMinds
  • UpdateLog

Except UpdateLog, which is a transient table used for CDC, all tables are granular and domain-specific. Accessing these data should be done via joining Core.Observation to the rest of the HAS schema via *.Id = Core.Observation.ObservationSourceId and filtering for the correct Core.Observation.SourceTable. For example, Core.Observation.SourceTable = 'FitFeetView' would join to HAS.FitFeetView).

Fields not currently in database

There are fields that were on the paper forms but did not match any column from what we get from vecna. However, since no one has asked for those fields we have not bugged Vecna about it. So it’s not something being worked on but was something we noticed when comparing paper/what we get from Vecna. We used the paper forms that were on the SOI HAS resource website pages to compare to the columns in HAS and these were fields we couldn’t find a match for.

Common Columns

The HAS tables, with the exception of UpdateLog, have the following columns in common:

colname colvalues coltype detail
Id Integer bigint Row id. This is not used outside of the database
HealthDiscipline Single value from the list of ['fit feet', 'fun fitness', 'health promotion', 'healthy hearing', 'opening eyes', 'special smiles', 'strong minds'] varchar Health discipline for the data point
FirstName Freeform varchar First name of the individual
MiddleName Freeform varchar Middle name
LastName Freeform varchar Last name
Gender Single value from the list of ['female', 'male', 'unknown/other'] varchar Gender
BirthDate Date in YYYY-MM-DD format date Birth date
age Integer numeric Age, calculated from birth date
Role Single value from the list of ['athlete', 'coach', 'other', 'unified athlete', 'unified partner', 'volunteer'] varchar Role
SportDiscipline Multiselect from the list of [See SPORT LIST below] varchar Sport
Program Single value from the list of [See PROGRAM LIST below] varchar Program. This is cleaned and matched to the program names in Census. This is the program that hosted an event. For example, if Mary from New Jersey goes to a HAS event in Florida, the Program will be Florida.
ProgramRaw Freeform varchar Raw text of program before it is cleaned and mapped to the Census program list
Region Single value from the list of [See REGION LIST below] varchar Region. This is the region that corresponds to Program.
Delegation Freeform varchar Raw text of delegation
ProgramOfAthlete Single value from the list of [See PROGRAM LIST below] varchar Program of athlete. This is cleaned and matched to the program names in Census. This is the program where the individual is from. For example, if Mary from New Jersey goes to a HAS event in Florida, the ProgramOfAthlete will be New Jersey.
RegionOfAthlete Single value from the list of [See REGION LIST below] varchar Region of athlete. This is the region that corresponds to ProgramOfAthlete.
EventDate Date in YYYY-MM-DD format date Date of the event.
EventName Text where the same event has the same name across disciplines varchar Event name. This goes through data cleaning.
EventNameRaw Raw text of EventName before it is cleaned varchar Raw event name before data cleaning.
EventLocation Freeform varchar Event location.
Source Single value from the list of ['FF_2007-2020final.csv', 'FUNF_LegacyHAS_finalSAScode.csv', 'HH_LegacyHAS_final.csv', 'HP_LegacyHAS_finalSAScode.csv', 'OE_2007-2020final.csv', 'SS_2007-2020final.csv', 'VecnaHAS', 'openmrs_db', 'so_asia_db', 'so_eu_africa_db'] varchar Source of the data. The LegacyHAS sources are: 'FF_2007-2020final.csv', 'FUNF_LegacyHAS_finalSAScode.csv', 'HH_LegacyHAS_final.csv', 'HP_LegacyHAS_finalSAScode.csv', 'OE_2007-2020final.csv', and 'SS_2007-2020final.csv'.
CreatedDateTime Date in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.SSS format date Date that the row was created in the data warehouse.
AssetId null varchar Pipeline run id that joins to SoFlow.Log.AssetId.
insert_job_tstz Date in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.SSS format date Date that the data was input into Vecna. For LegacyHAS, this date will be '2000-01-01'.
vecna_unique_id Integer bigint Combination of unique Vecna IDs and Legacy HAS IDs.
IsScratched True/False bit If the row is scratched, which means that there is not any data filled out for the individual besides the registration information. Usually you will want to filter for the rows that are not scratched.

'Alpine Skiing', 'Aquatics/Swimming', 'Artistic Gymnastics', 'Athletics', 'Badminton', 'Baseball', 'Basketball', 'Bocce', 'Bowling', 'Cricket', 'Cross Country Skiing', 'Cycling', 'Equestrian', 'Figure Skating', 'Floor Hockey', 'Floorball' 'Football (Soccer)', 'Golf', 'Handball', 'Judo', 'Kayaking', 'Left Foot Forward (Seconds)', 'Mail', 'Motor Activity Training Program', 'Netball', 'Open Water Swimming', 'Play Activities', 'Powerlifting', 'Rhythmic Gymnastics', 'Roller Skating', 'Sailing', 'Snowboarding', 'Snowshoeing', 'Softball', 'Speed Skating', 'Stick Shooting', 'Table Tennis', 'Tennis', 'Triathalon' 'Volleyball', 'Young Athlete'

'Afghanistan', 'Alabama', 'Alaska', 'Albania', 'Alberta', 'Algeria', 'American Samoa', 'Andorra', 'Argentina', 'Arizona', 'Arkansas', 'Armenia', 'Aruba', 'Asia Pacific', 'Australia', 'Austria', 'Azerbaijan', 'Bahamas', 'Bahrain', 'Bangladesh', 'Barbados', 'Belarus', 'Belgium', 'Belize', 'Benin', 'Bharat', 'Bhutan', 'Bolivia', 'Bonaire', 'Bosnia & Herzegovina', 'Botswana', 'Brazil', 'Brunei Darussalam', 'Bulgaria', 'Burkina Faso', 'Cambodia', 'Cameroon', 'Canada', 'Cayman Island', 'Chad', 'Chile', 'China', 'Chinese Taipei', 'Colombia', 'Colorado', 'Comoros', 'Congo Brazzaville', 'Connecticut', 'Costa Rica', 'Cote D'Ivoire', 'Croatia', 'Cuba', 'Curacao', 'Cyprus', 'Czech Republic', 'Delaware', 'Democratic Republic of the Congo', 'Denmark', 'Developing Lower Middle Income', 'District of Columbia', 'Djibouti', 'Dominica', 'Dominican Republic', 'Ecuador', 'Egypt', 'El Salvador', 'Estonia', 'Eswatini', 'Europe Eurasia', 'Faroe Islands', 'Fiji', 'Finland', 'Florida', 'France', 'Gambia', 'Georgia', 'Germany', 'Ghana', 'Gibraltar', 'Great Britain', 'Guadeloupe', 'Guatemala', 'Guyana', 'Haiti', 'Hawaii', 'Hellas (Greece)', 'Honduras', 'Hong Kong' 'Hungary', 'Iceland', 'Idaho', 'Illinois', 'Indiana', 'Indonesia', 'Iowa', 'Iran', 'Iraq', 'Ireland', 'Isle of Man', 'Israel', 'Italy', 'Jamaica', 'Jordan', 'Kansas', 'Kazakhstan', 'Kentucky', 'Kenya', 'Korea', 'Kosovo', 'Kuwait', 'Kyrgyz Republic', 'Laos', 'Latin America', 'Latvia', 'Lebanon', 'Libya', 'Liechtenstein', 'Lithuania', 'Louisiana', 'Luxembourg', 'Macau', 'Maine', 'Malawi', 'Malaysia', 'Maldives', 'Mali', 'Malta', 'Maryland', 'Massachusetts', 'Mauritania', 'Mauritius', 'Mexico', 'Michigan', 'Minnesota', 'Mississippi', 'Missouri', 'Moldova', 'Monaco', 'Mongolia', 'Montana', 'Montenegro', 'Montserrat', 'Morocco', 'Myanmar', 'Namibia', 'Nebraska', 'Nepal', 'Netherlands', 'New Hampshire', 'New Jersey', 'New Mexico', 'New York', 'New Zealand', 'Nicaragua', 'Niger', 'Nigeria', 'Nippon (Japan)', 'North America', 'North Carolina', 'North Dakota', 'North Macedonia', 'Northern California & Nevada', 'Norway', 'Ohio', 'Oklahoma', 'Oman', 'Ontario', 'Oregon', 'Pakistan', 'Palestine', 'Panama', 'Papua New Guinea', 'Paraguay', 'Pennsylvania', 'Peru', 'Pilipinas', 'Poland', 'Portugal', 'Prince Edward Island', 'Puerto Rico', 'Qatar', 'Quebec', 'Reunion', 'Rhode Island', 'Romania', 'Russia', 'Rwanda', 'SOI', 'Samoa', 'San Marino', 'Saudi Arabia', 'Senegal', 'Serbia', 'Serbia And Montenegro', 'Serendib (Sri Lanka)', 'Seychelles', 'Singapore', 'Slovakia', 'Slovenia', 'Somalia', 'South Africa', 'South Carolina', 'South Dakota', 'Southern California', 'Spain', 'St. Kitts & Nevis', 'St. Lucia', 'St. Maarten', 'St. Vincent and The Grenadines', 'Sudan', 'Suriname', 'Sweden', 'Switzerland', 'Syria', 'Tajikistan', 'Tanzania', 'Tennessee', 'Texas', 'Thailand', 'Timor-Leste', 'Togo', 'Tonga', 'Trinidad and Tobago', 'Tunisia', 'Turkmenistan', 'Türkiye', 'Uganda', 'Ukraine', 'United Arab Emirates', 'Uruguay', 'Usa', 'Utah', 'Uzbekistan', 'Venezuela', 'Vermont', 'Vietnam', 'Virgin Islands', 'Virgin Islands British', 'Virginia', 'Washington', 'West Virginia', 'Wisconsin', 'Wyoming', 'Yemen', 'Zambia', 'Zimbabwe'



Fit Feet Resources Page

colname colvalues coltype detail
fitf_amputee_left Single value from the list of ['No', 'Yes'] varchar Amputee on left side, select yes or no
fitf_amputee_right Single value from the list of ['No', 'Yes'] varchar Amputee on right side, select yes or no
fitf_basic_gait_analysis_l Multiselect from the list of ['Early Heal', 'Excessive Pronation', 'Excessive Supination', 'Forefoot Abduction', 'Forefoot Adduction', 'N/A', 'Normal'] varchar Basic Gait Analysis for left foot. Select all that apply from: Normal, Excessive Pronation, Excessive Supination, Forefoot Abduction, Forefoot Adduction, Early Heel, and N/A.
fitf_basic_gait_analysis_r Multiselect from the list of ['Early Heal', 'Excessive Pronation', 'Excessive Supination', 'Forefoot Abduction', 'Forefoot Adduction', 'N/A', 'Normal'] varchar Basic Gait Analysis for right foot. Select all that apply from: Normal, Excessive Pronation, Excessive Supination, Forefoot Abduction, Forefoot Adduction, Early Heel, and N/A.
fitf_calcaneus_l Single value from the list of ['N', 'Val', 'Var'] varchar Foot structure for Calcaneus on left foot. Select from: Val, N and Var.
fitf_calcaneus_r Single value from the list of ['N', 'Val', 'Var'] varchar Foot structure for Calcaneus on right foot. Select from: Val, N and Var.
*fitf_comments Freeform varchar Freeform text field at end of screening for comments. *This column is NOT shared externally.
*fitf_concerns_prev_treatment Freeform varchar Athlete concerns/previous treatment or surgery, freeform text. *This column is NOT shared externally.
fitf_cream Single value from the list of ['No', 'Yes'] varchar Was cream provided? Select from yes or no.
fitf_current_shoe_child_adult Single value from the list of ['Adult', 'Child'] varchar Current shoe size, selection of Child or Adult age type
fitf_current_shoe_measurement Single value from the list of ['Asia', 'Euro', 'UK', 'USA'] varchar Current shoe size, selection of USA, Euro, UK, Asia measurement type
fitf_current_shoe_size_l_length Integer numeric Current shoe size length on left foot, uses the fitf_current_shoe_measurement units
fitf_current_shoe_size_l_width Freeform varchar Current shoe size width on left foot, uses the fitf_current_shoe_measurement units
fitf_current_shoe_size_r_length Integer numeric Current shoe size length on right foot, uses the fitf_current_shoe_measurement units
fitf_current_shoe_size_r_width Freeform varchar Current shoe size width on right foot, uses the fitf_current_shoe_measurement units
fitf_current_shoe_type Single value from the list of ['Boots', 'Casual', 'Custom', 'Other', 'Sandal', 'Sport'] varchar Current shoe type, selection from Sport, Sandal, Casual, Custom, Boots, and Other
fitf_current_sock_type Single value from the list of ['Acrylic', 'Cotton', 'No Sock', 'Nylon', 'Other', 'Wool'] varchar Current sock type, sepection from Acrylic, Wool, Cotton, Other, Nylon and No Sock
fitf_foot_and_bone Multiselect from the list of ['Bony Exostosis', 'Brachymetatarsia (Short toe)', 'Bunions', 'Clawtoes', 'Digital Deformities', 'Haglunds', 'Hallus Varus', 'Hallux rigidus/limitus', 'Neuralgia', 'Normal', 'Other', 'Syndactyly', "Tailor's Bunion", 'crossover toe', 'hammertoes'] varchar Foot deformities exam. Select all that apply from: Normal, Digital deformities, Brachymetatarsia (Short toe), Hallux abducto valgus, Tailor's bunions, Hallus rigidus/limitus, Neuralgia, Haglunds, Exostosis, Syndactyly, Hallus Varus and Other.
fitf_foot_structure_l Multiselect from the list of ['N/A', 'Pes Cavus', 'Pes Planus'] varchar Foot structure for left foot. Select any that apply from: Pes Cavus and Pes Planus.
fitf_foot_structure_l_2 Multiselect from the list of ['Metatarsus Adductus', 'Tibial varum'] varchar Foot structure for left foot. Select any that apply from: Metatarsus Adductus and Tibial varum.
fitf_foot_structure_r Multiselect from the list of ['N/A', 'Pes Cavus', 'Pes Planus'] varchar Foot structure for right foot. Select any that apply from: Pes Cavus and Pes Planus.
fitf_foot_structure_r_2 Multiselect from the list of ['Metatarsus Adductus', 'Tibial varum'] varchar Foot structure for right foot. Select any that apply from: Metatarsus Adductus and Tibial varum.
fitf_height Integer numeric Legacy metric that is no longer collected in Fit Feet. This was a measure of height in inches or centimeters and aligns with the fitf_height_unit column.
fitf_height_unit Single value from the list of ['cm', 'inches'] varchar Legacy metric that is no longer collected in Fit Feet. Selected from cm or inches. This was a selection of the height unit and aligns with the fitf_height column.
fitf_insole_size Freeform varchar Insole size freeform text.
fitf_insole_size_type Single value from the list of ['Child', 'Men', 'Women'] varchar Insole size circle one of men, women, or child.
fitf_knee_l Single value from the list of ['Flexum', 'N', 'N/A', 'Recurvatum', 'Val', 'Var'] varchar Joint range of motion for left knee. Select from Val, N, Var, N/A, Recurvatum, Flexum.
fitf_knee_l_2 Multiselect from the list of ['Flexum', 'Recurvatum'] varchar Joint range of motion for left knee. Select from Recurvatum, Flexum, N/A.
fitf_knee_r Single value from the list of ['Flexum', 'N', 'N/A', 'Recurvatum', 'Val', 'Var'] varchar Joint range of motion for right knee. Select from Val, N, Var, N/A, Recurvatum, Flexum.
fitf_knee_r_2 Multiselect from the list of ['Flexum', 'Recurvatum'] varchar Joint range of motion for right knee. Select from Recurvatum, Flexum, N/A.
fitf_l_length Integer numeric Measured foot size length of left foot, uses the fitf_measured_shoe_measurement units
fitf_l_width Freeform varchar Measured foot size width of left foot, uses the fitf_measured_shoe_measurement units
fitf_lock_laces Single value from the list of ['No', 'Yes'] varchar Were lock laces provided? Select from yes or no.
fitf_measured_child_adult Single value from the list of ['Adult', 'Child'] varchar Measured foot size, selection of Child or Adult age type
fitf_measured_shoe_measurement Single value from the list of ['Asia', 'Euro', 'UK', 'USA'] varchar Measured foot size, selection of USA, Euro, UK, Asia measurement type
fitf_nail Multiselect from the list of ['Black', 'Blister', 'Crumbly', 'Discoloration', 'Ingrown', 'Lesion', 'Normal', 'Other', 'Split and laceration', 'Thick', 'White', 'Wrong nail cut', 'Yellow', 'hematoma'] varchar Nail exam. Select all that apply from: Normal, Wrong nail cut, Subungual hematoma, Split and lysis, Thick, Yellow, Black, Crumbly, Onychocryptosis, and Other.
*fitf_name_referred_physician Freeform varchar Name/Location of Physician Referred freeform text. *This column is NOT shared externally.
fitf_otc_insoles_dispensed Single value from the list of ['No', 'Yes'] varchar Were OTC (over the counter) insoles dispensed? Select from yes or no.
fitf_otc_insoles_yn Single value from the list of ['No', 'Yes'] varchar Does the athlete already have insoles? Select from Yes or No.
fitf_pain_feet Single value from the list of ['Do Not Know', 'No', 'Yes'] varchar On most days do you have pain, aching or stiffness in either of your feet? Select from yes, no, or do not know.
fitf_powder Single value from the list of ['No', 'Yes'] varchar Was powder provided? Select from yes or no.
fitf_prosthetics_left Single value from the list of ['No', 'Yes'] varchar Prosthetics on left side, select yes or no
fitf_prosthetics_right Single value from the list of ['No', 'Yes'] varchar Prosthetics on right side, select yes or no
fitf_r_length Integer numeric Measured foot size length of right foot, uses the fitf_measured_shoe_measurement units
fitf_r_width Freeform varchar Measured foot size width of left foot, uses the fitf_measured_shoe_measurement units
fitf_referral Single value from the list of ['No', 'Yes'] varchar If follow up care recommended? Select from Yes or No.
fitf_referral_type Multiselect from the list of ['Orthopedist', 'Other', 'Pedicure', 'Physician', 'Physiotherapist', 'Podiatrist'] varchar Referral made to, select all that are relevant: Podiatrist, Primary Care Prodiver, Physiotherapist, Dermatologist, Orthopedist, and Other.
fitf_referral_urgent Single value from the list of ['Not Urgent', 'Urgent'] varchar Is follow up care recommended? If Yes is selected, then select from Urgent or Not Urgent.
fitf_rom_l_ankle Single value from the list of ['Hypermobile', 'N/A', 'Norm', 'Rst'] varchar Joint range of motion for left ankle. Select from Norm, Rst, Hypermobile and N/A.
fitf_rom_l_midtarsal Single value from the list of ['Hypermobile', 'N/A', 'Norm', 'Rst'] varchar Joint range of motion for left midtarsal. Select from Norm, Rst, Hypermobile and N/A.
fitf_rom_l_mtp Single value from the list of ['Hypermobile', 'N/A', 'Norm', 'Rst'] varchar Joint range of motion for left MTP. Select from Norm, Rst, Hypermobile and N/A.
fitf_rom_l_subtalar Single value from the list of ['Hypermobile', 'N/A', 'Norm', 'Rst'] varchar Joint range of motion for left subtalar. Select from Norm, Rst, Hypermobile and N/A.
fitf_rom_r_ankle Single value from the list of ['Hypermobile', 'N/A', 'Norm', 'Rst'] varchar Joint range of motion for right ankle. Select from Norm, Rst, Hypermobile and N/A.
fitf_rom_r_midtarsal Single value from the list of ['Hypermobile', 'N/A', 'Norm', 'Rst'] varchar Joint range of motion for right midtarsal. Select from Norm, Rst, Hypermobile and N/A.
fitf_rom_r_mtp Single value from the list of ['Hypermobile', 'N/A', 'Norm', 'Rst'] varchar Joint range of motion for right MTP. Select from Norm, Rst, Hypermobile and N/A.
fitf_rom_r_subtalar Single value from the list of ['Hypermobile', 'N/A', 'Norm', 'Rst'] varchar Joint range of motion for right subtalar. Select from Norm, Rst, Hypermobile and N/A.
*fitf_screener Freeform varchar Screener's name freeform. I believe this is for the Shoe Exam and Shoe Size Mesaurement section. *This column is NOT shared externally.
*fitf_screener_2 Freeform varchar Screener's name freeform. This could be from the Biomechanics, joint range of motion, Static Biomechanics section or from the Education, Review of Findings and Checkout section. *This column is NOT shared externally.
fitf_shoes Single value from the list of ['No', 'Yes'] varchar Were shoes provided? Select from yes or no.
fitf_skin Multiselect from the list of ['Black', 'Blister', 'Calluses', 'Corns', 'Dry', 'Maceration', 'Moist', 'Nevus', 'Normal', 'Odor', 'Other', 'Papules', 'Rash', 'Redness', 'Soft tissue mass', 'Split/Cracks', 'Ulcers', 'Warts'] varchar Skin exam. Select all that apply from: Normal, Calluses, Warts, Blisters, Maceration, Split/cracks, Redness, Moist, Dry Odor, Ulcers, Suspicious, Rash, Corns and Other.
*fitf_skin_nail_toescreener Freeform varchar Screener's name freeform for Skin, Nail, Toe and Foot Exam section. *This column is NOT shared externally.
fitf_socks Single value from the list of ['No', 'Yes'] varchar Were socks provided? Select from yes or no.
fitf_tekscan Single value from the list of ['No', 'Yes'] varchar Tekscan provided? Select yes or no.
fitf_weight Integer numeric Legacy metric that is no longer collected in Fit Feet. This was a measure of weight in lbs or kg and aligns with the fitf_weight_unit column.
fitf_weight_unit Single value from the list of ['kg', 'lbs'] varchar Legacy metric that is no longer collected in Fit Feet. Selected from lbs or kg. This was a selection of the weight unit and aligns with the fitf_weight column.


FunFitness Resources Page

colname colvalues coltype detail
ff_abdominal_muscles_education Single value from the list of ['FALSE', 'TRUE'] varchar Abdominal muscles - partial sit-up test. This is if the box is selected for Education < 25 in 1 minute. Under the strength section.
ff_altitude Single value from the list of ['0 to 1,500', '1,501 to 3,000', '1,501 to 3000', '>3,000'] varchar The altitude (m), select one from 1 to 1500, 1501 to 3000, or >3000.
ff_anterior_hip_education Single value from the list of ['FALSE', 'TRUE'] varchar For Anterior hip - Modified Thomas Test, if the box is checked for Education between -90 and -11 degrees or asymmetry. This is under the flexibility section.
ff_anterior_hip_thomas_l Integer numeric Left Anterior hip - Modified Thomas Test. The question asks to note positive (+) or negative (-) degrees. Freeform for __ degrees. This is under the flexibility section.
ff_anterior_hip_thomas_r Integer numeric Right Anterior hip - Modified Thomas Test. The question asks to note positive (+) or negative (-) degrees. Freeform for __ degrees. This is under the flexibility section.
ff_anterior_hip_unable_refused Single value from the list of ['FALSE', 'TRUE'] varchar For Anterior hip - Modified Thomas Test, if the box is checked for Unable to test. This is under the flexibility section.
ff_any_strength Single value from the list of ['Strength Problems Identified*', 'no'] varchar This is a calculated column. Will need to provide a more complete description in the future.
ff_any_flex Single value from the list of ['Flexibility Problems Identified*', 'no'] varchar This is a calculated column. Will need to provide a more complete description in the future.
ff_any_bal Single value from the list of ['Balance Problems Identified*', 'no'] varchar This is a calculated column. Will need to provide a more complete description in the future.
ff_assistive_device Single value from the list of ['No', 'Yes'] varchar If the individual uses an assistive device. Select from yes or no.
ff_calf_education Single value from the list of ['FALSE', 'TRUE'] varchar For calf-supine (passive) ankle dorsiflexion, if the box is checked for Education Less than 5 degrees or asymmetry. This is under the flexibility section.
ff_calf_l Integer numeric Left calf-supine (passive) ankle dorsiflexion. The question asks to note positive (+) or negative (-) degrees. Freeform for __ degrees. This is under the flexibility section.
ff_calf_r Integer numeric Right calf-supine (passive) ankle dorsiflexion. The question asks to note positive (+) or negative (-) degrees. Freeform for __ degrees. This is under the flexibility section.
ff_calf_unable_refused Single value from the list of ['FALSE', 'TRUE'] varchar For calf-supine (passive) ankle dorsiflexion, if the box is checked for Unable to test. This is under the flexibility section.
ff_conditions_affect_screening Multiselect from the list of ['Fever, illness or infection', 'No diseases or injuries', 'Pain, Sprain or Strain', 'Problem with breathing or lungs', 'Problem with circulation', 'Problems with heart', 'Skin Problem'] varchar Are there any diseases or injuries that may affect screening results? Select all that apply from: No diseases or injuries, Problems with breathing or lungs, Problems with heart, Problems with circulation, Skin problems, and fever, infection, or illness. 'Pain. Sprain or Strain' is only on the legacy forms and is shown here in the columns ff_pain, ff_joint_injury and ff_muscle_injury.
ff_endex_hr Integer numeric Heart rate (beats/min) for end-exercise HR. Under the aerobic fitness section.
ff_endex_o2 Integer numeric O2 (oxygen) Saturation (%) for end-exercise HR. Under the aerobic fitness section.
ff_eyes_closed_education Single value from the list of ['FALSE', 'TRUE'] varchar For Single Leg Stance - Eyes Closed, if the box is checked for Education Stance < 10 seconds. This is under the balance section.
ff_eyes_closed_l Integer numeric Left Single Leg Stance - Eyes Closed. Freeform for __ seconds. This is under the balance section.
ff_eyes_closed_r Integer numeric Right Single Leg Stance - Eyes Closed. Freeform for __ seconds. This is under the balance section.
ff_eyes_closed_unable_refused Single value from the list of ['FALSE', 'TRUE'] varchar For Single Leg Stance - Eyes Closed, if the box is checked for Unable to test. This is under the balance section.
ff_eyes_open_education Single value from the list of ['FALSE', 'TRUE'] varchar For Single Leg Stance - Eyes Open, if the box is checked for Education Stance < 20 seconds. This is under the balance section.
ff_eyes_open_l Integer numeric Left Single Leg Stance - Eyes Open. Freeform for __ seconds. This is under the balance section.
ff_eyes_open_r Integer numeric Right Single Leg Stance - Eyes Open. Freeform for __ seconds. This is under the balance section.
ff_eyes_open_unable_refused Single value from the list of ['FALSE', 'TRUE'] varchar For Single Leg Stance - Eyes Open, if the box is checked for Unable to test. This is under the balance section.
ff_fallen_in_home Single value from the list of ['No', 'Yes'] varchar Have you fallen in your home in the past year? Select from yes or no.
ff_fivemins_wheel Integer numeric Five-minute wheel test. This is measured as Distance __ Meters. This is used in the aerobic fitness section. This is used as one of the methods to test heart rate.
ff_forearm_hand_education Single value from the list of ['FALSE', 'TRUE'] varchar Forearm and hand muscles - grip test. This is if the education see reference sheet was selected. Under the strength section.
ff_functional_reach_education Single value from the list of ['FALSE', 'TRUE'] varchar For Seated Forward Functional Reach, if the box is checked for Education Reach < 20 cm. This is under the balance section.
ff_functional_reach_l Integer numeric Left Seated Forward Functional Reach. Freeform for __ cm. This is under the balance section.
ff_functional_reach_r Integer numeric Right Seated Forward Functional Reach. Freeform for __ cm. This is under the balance section.
ff_functional_reach_unable_refused Single value from the list of ['FALSE', 'TRUE'] varchar For Seated Forward Functional Reach, if the box is checked for Unable to test. This is under the balance section.
ff_grip_test_dominant_hand Single value from the list of ['LEFT', 'RIGHT'] varchar Forearm and hand muscles - grip test. This is for the Dominant Hand and asks to select from Left or Right. Under the strength section.
ff_grip_test_left_1 Integer numeric Forearm and hand muscles - grip test. Left first trial in kg. Freeform as __ kg. Under the strength section.
ff_grip_test_left_2 Integer numeric Forearm and hand muscles - grip test. Left second trial in kg. Freeform as __ kg. Under the strength section.
ff_grip_test_left_3 Integer numeric Forearm and hand muscles - grip test. Left third trial in kg. Freeform as __ kg. Under the strength section.
ff_grip_test_right_1 Integer numeric Forearm and hand muscles - grip test. Right first trial in kg. Freeform as __ kg. Under the strength section.
ff_grip_test_right_2 Integer numeric Forearm and hand muscles - grip test. Right second trial in kg. Freeform as __ kg. Under the strength section.
ff_grip_test_right_3 Integer numeric Forearm and hand muscles - grip test. Right third trial in kg. Freeform as __ kg. Under the strength section.
ff_grip_test_unable_refused Single value from the list of ['FALSE', 'TRUE'] varchar Forearm and hand muscles - grip test. This is if the unable to test was selected. Under the strength section.
ff_hamstring_education Single value from the list of ['FALSE', 'TRUE'] varchar For hamstring - supine (passive) knee extension, if the box is checked for Education Between -90 and -16 degrees or asymmetry. This is under the flexibility section.
ff_hamstring_l Integer numeric Left hamstring - supine (passive) knee extension. The question asks to note positive (+) or negative (-) degrees. Freeform for __ degrees. This is under the flexibility section.
ff_hamstring_r Integer numeric Right hamstring - supine (passive) knee extension. The question asks to note positive (+) or negative (-) degrees. Freeform for __ degrees. This is under the flexibility section.
ff_hamstring_unable_refused Single value from the list of ['FALSE', 'TRUE'] varchar For hamstring - supine (passive) knee extension, if the box is checked for Unable to test. This is under the flexibility section.
ff_hr_education Single value from the list of ['FALSE', 'TRUE'] varchar For the heart rate fields, if the Education box is selected.
ff_hr_measured Multiselect from the list of ['MIO Heart rate monitor', 'Manual (Pulse)', 'Pulse oximeter'] varchar How is HR (heart rate) being measured. Select all that apply from Manual (Pulse) and Pulse Oximeter. Under the aerobic fitness section.
ff_hr_unable_refused Single value from the list of ['FALSE', 'TRUE'] varchar For the heart rate fields, if the unable to test box is selected.
ff_joint_injury Single value from the list of ['No', 'Yes'] varchar If sprain is selected under any diseases or injuries that may affect screening results it will be a yes.
ff_leg_muscles_education Single value from the list of ['FALSE', 'TRUE'] varchar Leg muscles - timed sit-to-stand-test (functional leg strength). This is if the box is selected for Education > 20 seconds. Under the strength section.
ff_muscle_injury Single value from the list of ['No', 'Yes'] varchar If strain is selected under any diseases or injuries that may affect screening results it will be a yes.
ff_pain Single value from the list of ['No', 'Yes'] varchar If pain is selected under any diseases or injuries that may affect screening results it will be a yes.
ff_partial_sit_up Integer numeric Abdominal muscles - partial sit-up test. Measured as Number __. Under the strength section.
ff_partial_sit_up_unable_refused Single value from the list of ['FALSE', 'TRUE'] varchar Abdominal muscles - partial sit-up test. If the box was selected for unable to test. Under the strength section.
ff_pcp_referral Single value from the list of ['No', 'Yes'] varchar Primary care physician referral recommended, select from yes or no.
ff_phys_activity_any Single value from the list of ['1 day', '2 days', '3 days', '4 days', '5 days', '6 days', 'Every day', 'No days'] varchar On average, how many days a week do you do some physical activity? Select one from: No days, 1 day, 2 days, 3 days, 4 days, 5 days, 6 days, Every day. Under the aerobic fitness section.
ff_phys_activity_moderate Single value from the list of ['1 day', '2 days', '3 days', '4 days', '5 days', '6 days', 'Every day', 'No days'] varchar On average, how many days a week is your physcial activity at a moderate level (moderate means working hard enough to make your heart beat faster and possible begin to sweat. Examples: fast walk, swimming, bicycling)? Select one from: No days, 1 day, 2 days, 3 days, 4 days, 5 days, 6 days, Every day. Under the aerobic fitness section.
ff_phys_activity_moderate_so Single value from the list of ['All', 'Could not elicit response', 'Most', 'None', 'Refused to respond', 'Some', 'Unable to respond', 'Unable to understand'] varchar After the ff_phys_activity_moderate question it asks, how much of this moderate physical activity is related to Special Olympics? Select from None, Some, Most, All, Could not elicit response, Refused to respond, Unable to respond, Unable to understand. Under the aerobic fitness section.
ff_phys_activity_strength Single value from the list of ['1 day', '2 days', '3 days', '4 days', '5 days', '6 days', 'Every day', 'No days'] varchar On average, how many days a week do you do physical activities for muscle strength (physical activities for muscle strength include lifting weights, using elastic bands, push-ups or sit-ups)? Select one from: No days, 1 day, 2 days, 3 days, 4 days, 5 days, 6 days, Every day. Under the strength section.
ff_phys_activity_strength_so Single value from the list of ['All', 'Could not elicit response', 'Most', 'None', 'Refused to respond', 'Some', 'Unable to respond', 'Unable to understand'] varchar This is asked after the ff_phys_activity_strength question - on average, how many days a week do you do physical activities for muscle strength. Then it asks, How much of this strength activity is related to Special Olympics training, practice, or competition? Select one from None, Some, Most, All, Could not elicit response, Refused to respond, Unable to respond, Unable to understand. Under the aerobic fitness section.
ff_phys_activity_why_not Multiselect from the list of ['No available exercise facilities', 'No equipment or clothes', 'No fitness person to help me', 'No interest', 'No money', 'No one to exercise with', 'No transportation', 'Not safe', 'Physically Unable', 'Physically unable'] varchar If you have no regular activity program, please tell us why. Select all that apply from: No available exercise facilities, No interest, Physically unable, No transportation, No fitness person to help me, No one to exercise with, No money, Not safe, No equipment or clothes. Under the aerobic fitness section.
ff_prex_hr Integer numeric Heart rate (beats/min) for pre-exercise HR. Under the aerobic fitness section.
ff_prex_o2 Integer numeric O2 (oxygen) Saturation (%) for pre-exercise HR. Under the aerobic fitness section.
ff_pt_recommended Single value from the list of ['No', 'Yes'] varchar Physical therapist referral recommended, select from yes or no.
ff_push_up Integer numeric Upper extremity muscles - seated push-up test (functional strength). Push-up __ seconds. Under the strength section.
ff_push_up_unable_refused Single value from the list of ['FALSE', 'TRUE'] varchar Upper extremity muscles - seated push-up test (functional strength), if the box is checked for Unable to test. Under the strength section.
*ff_reason_pcp_recommended Freeform varchar Reasons for recommendation freeform (brief outline of medical issue identified). This is asked right after primary care physician referral recommended. *This column is NOT shared externally.
ff_reason_pt_for_referral Multiselect from the list of ['Aerobic Fitness', 'Balance', 'Flexibility', 'Strength'] varchar Reason for physical therapist recommendation. Select all that apply from: Flexibility, Strength, Balance and Aerobic Fitness.
ff_shoulder_education Single value from the list of ['FALSE', 'TRUE'] varchar For Shoulder - Apley's Test (Functional Shoulder Rotation), if the box is checked for Education between -90 and -16 cm, between fingertips, or asymmetry. This is under the flexibility section.
ff_shoulder_l Integer numeric Left Shoulder - Apley's Test (Functional Shoulder Rotation). The question asks to note positive (+) or negative (-) cm. Freeform for __ cm. This is under the flexibility section.
ff_shoulder_r Integer numeric Right Shoulder - Apley's Test (Functional Shoulder Rotation). The question asks to note positive (+) or negative (-) cm. Freeform for __ cm. This is under the flexibility section.
ff_shoulder_unable_refused Single value from the list of ['FALSE', 'TRUE'] varchar For Shoulder - Apley's Test (Functional Shoulder Rotation), if the box is checked for Unable to test. This is under the flexibility section.
ff_splint_brace Single value from the list of ['No', 'Yes'] varchar If the individual wears a splint or brace. Select from yes or no.
ff_stretch_routinely Single value from the list of ['Could not elicit response', 'No regular stretching', 'Occasionally,but not every day', 'Once each day', 'Refused to respond', 'Several times each day', 'Unable to respond', 'Unable to understand'] varchar Under the flexibility section, do you stretch routinely? Select one from: Several times each day, Once each day, Occasionally, but not every day, No regular stretching, Could not elicit response:, Refused to respond, Unable to resond, Unable to understand.
ff_times_stand_test Integer numeric Leg muscles - timed sit-to-stand-test (functional leg strength). This asks for Time __ seconds. Under the strength section.
ff_times_stand_unable_refused Single value from the list of ['FALSE', 'TRUE'] varchar Leg muscles - timed sit-to-stand-test (functional leg strength). This is whether the box is selected for unable to test.. Under the strength section.
ff_twomins_hr Integer numeric Heart rate (beats/min) for 2-minutes after HR. Under the aerobic fitness section.
ff_twomins_o2 Integer numeric O2 (oxygen) Saturation (%) for 2-minutes after HR. Under the aerobic fitness section.
ff_twomins_step Integer numeric Two minutes step test. This is measured as Number of Steps __ Steps. This is used in the aerobic fitness section. This is used as one of the methods to test heart rate.
ff_type_split_brace Multiselect from the list of ['Back', 'Elbow', 'Foot or Ankle', 'Foot/Ankle', 'Hand-Wrist', 'Hip', 'Knee', 'Shoulder'] varchar If the individual wears a splint or brace, the type. Select all that apply from the list: Hand-Wrist, Elbow, Shoulder, Knee, Hip, Bacck, Foot/Ankle.
ff_upper_extremity_education Single value from the list of ['FALSE', 'TRUE'] varchar Upper extremity muscles - seated push-up test (functional strength), if the box is checked for Education < 5 seconds. Under the strength section.
ff_urgent_care_needed Single value from the list of ['No', 'Yes'] varchar If urgent care is needed, select from yes or no. This is asked directly after primary care physician referral recommended.
ff_wheelchair Single value from the list of ['No', 'Yes'] varchar If the individual uses a wheelchair. Select from yes or no.
ff_where_is_joint_injury Multiselect from the list of ['Back', 'Elbow', 'Hand or Wrist', 'Hip', 'Knee', 'Neck', 'Shoulder', 'foot or ankle'] varchar If sprain is selected under any diseases or injuries that may affect screening reults, then select all that apply from: foot or ankle, knee, hip, hand or wrist, elbow, shoulder, back, neck.
ff_where_is_muscle_injury Multiselect from the list of ['arm', 'back or pelvis', 'foot', 'hand', 'leg', 'neck', 'shoulder or scapula'] varchar If strain is selected under any diseases or injuries that may affect screening reults, then select all that apply from: foot, leg, back or pelvis, hand, arm, shoulder or scapula, neck.
ff_where_is_pain Multiselect from the list of ['Back', 'head', 'lower extremity', 'neck', 'upper extremity'] varchar If pain is selected under any diseases or injuries that may affect screening results, then select all that apply from: lower extremity, upper extremity, back, neck, head.
ff_vigorous_sports Single value from the list of ['1 day', '2 days', '3 days', '4 days', '5 days', '6 days', '7 days', 'No days'] varchar In a typical week, on how many days {do you/does SP} do vigorous-intensity sports, fitness or recreational activities? PROBE IF NEEDED: Vigorous-intensity activity causes large increases in breathing or heart rate and is done for at least 10 minutes continuously. Select from No days, 1 day, 2 days, 3 days, 4 days, 5 days, 6 days, or 7 days.
Fields not currently in database

Tamdem or Modified Tandem Stance There is the Left foot forward __ seconds, the Right foot forward __ seconds, the unable to test, and the Education Stance < 20 seconds. This is in the Balance section. Timed Up and Go (TUG) There is the time to perform test __ seconds, the unable to test, and the Education time > 12 seconds. This is in the Balance section. Seated Lateral Functional Reach There is the left __ cm, right __ cm, the unable to test, and the Education reach < 16 cm. This is in the Balance section.


Health Promotion Resources Page

colname colvalues coltype detail
hp_bmd_referral Single value from the list of ['No', 'Yes'] varchar If there is a referral made for BMD (Bone Mineral Density Test) follow up, select from Yes or No.
hp_bmd_referral_type Single value from the list of ['Not Urgent', 'Urgent'] varchar If there is a referral made for BMD (Bone Mineral Density Test) follow up and Yes was selected, then select the referral type not urgent or urgent.
hp_bmd_status Single value from the list of ['At risk for heavy metal poisoning', 'Normal T Score', 'Osteopenia T Score', 'Osteoporosis T Score'] varchar This is a calculated column from Vecna. Will need to provide more information in the future.
hp_bmi_20_and_above Integer numeric BMI for 20 years of age and over.
hp_bmi_percentile_under_20 Integer varchar BMI Percentile for those under 20 years of age.
hp_bmi_percentile_under_20_weight_status Single value from the list of ['Normal', 'Obese', 'Overweight', 'Underweight'] varchar This is a calcualated column. If hp_bmi_percentile_under_20 < 5 then Underweight, when hp_bmi_percentile_under_20 >= 5 and hp_bmi_percentile_under_20 < 85 then Normal, when hp_bmi_percentile_under_20 >= 85 and hp_bmi_percentile_under_20 < 95 then Overweight, when hp_bmi_percentile_under_20 >= 95 then Obese
hp_bmi_referral Single value from the list of ['No', 'Yes'] varchar Is there a referral made for BMI follow up? Select from yes or no.
hp_bmi_referral_type Single value from the list of ['Not Urgent', 'Urgent'] varchar If there is a referral made for BMI (Body Mass Index) follow up and Yes was selected, then select the referral type not urgent or urgent.
hp_bone_density_l Integer numeric Bone mineral density test (athletes must be at least 20 years old to screen). T-score for left heel, measured as left heel . (-4.0 to +5.0)
hp_bone_density_r Integer numeric Bone mineral density test (athletes must be at least 20 years old to screen). T-score for left heel, measured as right heel . (-4.0 to +5.0)
hp_bone_density_unable_to_test Multiselect from the list of ['Age under 20', 'Machine Issue', 'Procedure Refused', 'Unable to Cooperate', 'Unusual Heal Shape'] varchar Bone mineral density test (athletes must be at least 20 years old to screen), if unable to test is selected, select from: Age under 20, Athlete refused, Athlete unable to cooperate, Unusual heel shape. Note that in Vecna, it is spelled as unusual heal shape instead of unusual heel shape.
hp_bone_density_unable_to_test_reason All null varchar This is all null values, look at hp_bone_density_unable_to_test.
hp_bp_category Single value from the list of ['Elevated BP Reading', 'Hypotensive Reading', 'Normal Reading', 'Requires Further Evaluation', 'Stage 1 Hypertensive Reading', 'Stage 2a Hypertensive Reading', 'Stage 2b Hypertensive Reading', 'Stage 3+ Hypertensive Reading', 'Urgent Referral'] varchar This is a calculated column from Vecna. Will need to provide more information in the future.
hp_bp_dia_l Integer numeric Blood pressure of left arm, measured as /. This is the diastolic blood pressure, which is the bottom number.
hp_bp_dia_r Integer numeric Blood pressure of right arm, measured as /. This is the diastolic blood pressure, which is the bottom number.
hp_bp_referral Single value from the list of ['No', 'Yes'] varchar If there is a referral made for BP (blood pressure) follow up, select from yes or no.
hp_bp_referral_type Single value from the list of ['Not Urgent', 'Urgent'] varchar If there is a referral made for BP (Blood Pressure) follow up and Yes was selected, then select the referral type not urgent or urgent.
hp_bp_referral_type Single value from the list of ['Not Urgent', 'Urgent'] varchar This is not on the form
hp_bp_sys_l Integer numeric Blood pressure of left arm, measured as /. This is the systolic blood pressure, which is the top number.
hp_bp_sys_r Integer numeric Blood pressure of right arm, measured as /. This is the systolic blood pressure, which is the top number.
hp_calcium Single value from the list of ['1-2 Servings per Day', '3-5 Servings per Day', 'Less than 1 Serving per Day', 'More than 5 Servings per Day', 'Never'] varchar Sources of calcium, select one from: less than 1 serving per day, 1-2 servings per day, 3-5 servings per day, more than 5 servings per day and never. This is under the Nutrition- Food and Beverage Habits Section.
hp_diabetes Single value from the list of ['Do Not Know', 'No', 'Yes'] varchar Has a doctor or other health professional EVER told you that you had diabetes? Select from yes, no, or do not know.
hp_drink_when_thirsty Multiselect from the list of ['Energy Drink', 'Fruit Juice', 'Milk product (includes soy)', 'Other', 'Soft Drink', 'Sport Drink', 'WATER'] varchar What do you usually drink when you are thirsty? Select all that apply from: Water, Fruit Juice, Soft Drink, Sports drink, Milk product (includes soy), Energy drink, Other. This is under the Nutrition- Food and Beverage Habits Section.
hp_drink_when_thirsty_other Freeform varchar What do you usually drink when you are thirsty? This is the freeform other category. Look at hp_drink_when_thirsty for other categories. This is under the Nutrition- Food and Beverage Habits Section.
hp_exercise_frequency Single value from the list of ['1 day', '2 days', '3 days', '4 days', '5 days', '6 days', '7 days', 'No days'] varchar How many days per week do you exercise for at least 30 minutes? The vecna (current) data has a scale from 1-7 days or no days. For legacy data, if it is 1-2 days per week then we make that 2 days, if it is 3-6 days per week than we make that 4 days. This is under the Physical Activity Section.
hp_exercise_outside_SO Single value from the list of ['No', 'Yes'] varchar Do you exercise outside of your Special Olympics training? Select from yes or no. This is under the Physical Activity Section.
hp_exercise_type Multiselect from the list of ['Dance', 'Exercise DVD,WII', 'Job', 'Other', 'Run, jog', 'Sports', 'Walk', 'Weights'] varchar Do you exercise outside of your Special Olympics training (question from hp_exercise_outside_SO)? If yes, what do you do (select all that apply)? Select from: weight training, Run/Jog, Walk, Dance, Sports, Exercise video. This is under the Physical Activity Section.
hp_exercise_type_other Freeform varchar Do you exercise outside of your Special Olympics training (question from hp_exercise_outside_SO)? If yes, what do you do (hp_exercise_type)? This is a freeform text if someone selects other. This is under the Physical Activity Section.
hp_exercise_why_not Multiselect from the list of ['Do Not Know How', 'Lack of money as general barrier to activity', 'Loss of interest', 'No Interest', 'No Money', 'No Place to Exercise', 'No Time', 'No transportation', 'Other', 'Physically Unable', 'no one to do it with'] varchar Do you exercise outside of your Special Olympics training (question from hp_exercise_outside_SO)? If no, what is the reason (select all that apply)? Select from: no interest, do not know how, no transportation, no available exercise facility, no money, physically unable, no one to do it with, no time, other. This is under the Physical Activity Section.
hp_exercise_why_not_other Freeform varchar Do you exercise outside of your Special Olympics training (question from hp_exercise_outside_SO)? If no, what is the reason (hp_exercise_why_not)? This is a freeform text if someone selects other. This is under the Physical Activity Section.
hp_fast_food Single value from the list of ['Daily', 'Monthly', 'Never', 'Weekly'] varchar Fast food, select one from: daily, weekly, monthly, and never. This is under the Nutrition- Food and Beverage Habits Section.
hp_friends_family_smoke Single value from the list of ['No', 'Yes'] varchar Do any of your friends or family members smoke near you? Select from yes or no. This is in the Tobacco Use section.
hp_fruits_and_veg Single value from the list of ['1-2 Servings per Day', '3-5 Servings per Day', 'Less than 1 Serving per Day', 'More than 5 Servings per Day', 'Never'] varchar Fruits and vegetables, select one from: less than 1 serving per day, 1-2 servings per day, 3-5 servings per day, more than 5 servings per day and never. This is under the Nutrition- Food and Beverage Habits Section.
hp_general_health Single value from the list of ['Excellent', 'Fair', 'Good', 'Poor', 'Very good'] varchar Would you say that in general your health is? Select from poor, fair, good, very good or excellent.
hp_have_soap Single value from the list of ['No', 'Yes'] varchar Do you have soap at your home? Select from yes or no. This is in the hand washing section.
hp_height Integer numeric Height . cm or inches. Measure up to 0.1 cm or 1/8 inch. In the Body Composition section. Use hp_height_unit for units.
hp_height_unit Single value from the list of ['cm', 'inches'] varchar If the height measurement for hp_height is measured in cm or inches.
*hp_notes Freeform varchar General notes from screeners. *This column is NOT shared externally.
hp_screentime_frequency Single value from the list of ['0 hours', '1-2 hours', '3-4 hours', '5-6 hours', 'Over 6 hours'] varchar How many hours a day do you watch television or play computer/video games? Select one from: 0-2, 3-4, 5-6, Over 6 hours. This is under the Physical Activity Section.
hp_secondhand_smoke_other Freeform varchar Do any of your friends or family members smoke near you (hp_friends_family_smoke)? If yes, what do you do when they are smoking near you (hp_secondhand_smoke_response)? This is a freeform text field for other. This is in the Tobacco Use section.
hp_secondhand_smoke_response Multiselect from the list of ['Ask them to stop', 'I do not do anything', 'Leave the room', 'Other', 'Smoke'] varchar Do any of your friends or family members smoke near you (hp_friends_family_smoke)? If yes, what do you do when they are smoking near you (select all that apply)? Select from: ask them to stop, leave the room, smoke, I do not do anything, other. This is in the Tobacco Use section.
hp_snack_foods Single value from the list of ['Daily', 'Monthly', 'Never', 'Weekly'] varchar Snack foods, select one from: daily, weekly, monthly, and never. This is under the Nutrition- Food and Beverage Habits Section.
hp_soap_use Single value from the list of ['No', 'Yes'] varchar Did you use soap last time you washed your hands? Select from yes or no. This is in the hand washing section.
hp_soft_drink Single value from the list of ['Diet', 'Non-diet'] varchar What do you usually drink when you are thirsty? If Soft drink was selected, this is a sub question asking for if it is diet or non diet. Look at hp_drink_when_thirsty for other information. This is under the Nutrition- Food and Beverage Habits Section.
hp_sun_protection Single value from the list of ['No', 'Yes'] varchar Do you do anything to protect your skin in the sun? Select from yes or no. This is in the sun safety section.
hp_sun_protection_what Multiselect from the list of ['I do nothing', 'Seek Shade', 'Use Sunscreen', 'Wear Long Sleeves', 'Wear Sunglasses', 'Wear a Hat'] varchar Do you do anything to protect your skin in the sun (hp_sun_protection)? If yes, what do you do to protect your skin in the sun (select all that apply)? Select from: use sunscreen, seek shade, wear long sleeves, wear a hat, wear sunglasses, I do not do anything. This is in the sun safety section.
hp_sun_protection_why_not Multiselect from the list of ['Did Not Know it was Important', 'Do Not Get Sunburned', 'Like to be Tan', 'No Money to buy protection', 'Other'] varchar Do you do anything to protect your skin in the sun (hp_sun_protection)? If no, what is the reason (select all that apply)? Select from: did not know it was important, no money to buy protection, do not get sunburned, like to be tan, other. This is in the sun safety section.
hp_sun_protection_why_not_other Freeform varchar Do you do anything to protect your skin in the sun (hp_sun_protection)? If no, what is the reason (hp_sun_protection_why_not)? This field is a freeform text for other. This is in the sun safety section.
hp_sweetened_bev Single value from the list of ['Daily', 'Monthly', 'Never', 'Weekly'] varchar Sweetened beverages, select one from: daily, weekly, monthly, and never. This is under the Nutrition- Food and Beverage Habits Section.
hp_times_to_wash_hands Multiselect from the list of ['After Using the Toilet', 'Before eating or touch food', 'Monthly', 'Never', 'No Reason Given', 'Once daily', 'Other reason', 'Weekly'] varchar When are the most important times to wash your hands (select all that apply)? Select from after using the toilet, other reason, before eating or touching food, no response/no reasons given. This is in the hand washing section.
hp_tobacco_use Single value from the list of ['No', 'Yes'] varchar Do you use tobacco? Select from yes or no. This is in the Tobacco Use section.
hp_tobacco_use_freq Single value from the list of ['Daily', 'Monthly', 'Weekly'] varchar Do you use tobacco (hp_tobacco_use)? If yes, how frequently? Select from daily, weekly or monthly. This is in the Tobacco Use section.
hp_vit_d_supplements Single value from the list of ['Do Not Know', 'No', 'Yes'] varchar Do you take vitamin D supplements? Select from yes, no, or do not know.
hp_waist Integer varchar Waist circumference __ cm __ inches. Use the hp_height_unit for units.
hp_waist_unit Single value from the list of ['cm', 'inches'] varchar Unit for waist circumference (hp_waist) question. Select cm or inches. hp_waist_unit was added since originally all responses were supposed to be in inches but for places not using inches that would not work. This unit column was added around USA Games 2022.
hp_weight Integer numeric Weight . kg or __ lbs __ oz. Measure up to 0.1 kg or 1/2 oz. In the Body Composition section. Use hp_weight_unit for units.
hp_weight_status Single value from the list of ['Normal', 'Obese', 'Overweight', 'Underweight'] varchar Calculated from height and weight based on CDC calculations.
hp_weight_unit Single value from the list of ['Kilogram', 'Pounds'] varchar If the weight measurement for hp_weight is measured in kilograms or pounds.
Fields not currently in database

WHtR (waist to height ratio)' This might be a calculated column from hp_height and hp_waist.Referral made for WHtR` (select from yes or no).


Healthy Hearing Resources Page

colname colvalues coltype detail
*hh_clinical_director_name Freeform varchar Freeform field to print name of HH Clinical Director. *This column is NOT shared externally.
*hh_comments Freeform varchar Freeform field for comments at the end of the screening. *This column is NOT shared externally.
hh_ear_pain Single value from the list of ['No', 'Not Sure', 'Yes', 'Yes Both', 'Yes Left', 'Yes Right'] varchar Questions for athlete to answer. Pain in ear? Select one from Yes: left/right, not good and not sure.
hh_ear_cleaning_l Single value from the list of ['No', 'Not possible', 'Procedure Refused', 'Yes', 'Yes, Partially'] varchar Ear wax removed on left side, select from Yes, Yes, partially, No, Not possible, Athlete refused. Station 1: Ear Canal Screen/Otoscopy section.
hh_ear_cleaning_r Single value from the list of ['No', 'Not possible', 'Procedure Refused', 'Yes', 'Yes, Partially'] varchar Ear wax removed on right side, select from Yes, Yes, partially, No, Not possible, Athlete refused. Station 1: Ear Canal Screen/Otoscopy section.
hh_has_hearing_aids Single value from the list of ['No', 'Not Sure', 'Yes', 'Yes Both', 'Yes Left', 'Yes Right'] varchar Questions for athlete to answer. Hearing Aids? Select one from Yes: left/right, not good and not sure.
hh_hearing_athlete_rating Single value from the list of ['Good', 'Not Good', 'Not sure'] varchar Questions for athlete to answer. Hearing? Select one from good, not good, not sure.
hh_hearing_loss Single value from the list of ['No', 'Yes', 'Did not answer'] varchar Does the individual perceive hearing loss? Select yes, no or did not answer. New question that was added to OpenMRS right before B23.
hh_otoscopy_after_cleaning_l Single value from the list of ['Blocked', 'Clear', 'Partially Blocked'] varchar Left side otoscopy after ear wax removal (hh_ear_cleaning_l) select from clear, partially blocked, blocked. Station 1: Ear Canal Screen/Otoscopy section.
hh_otoscopy_after_cleaning_r Single value from the list of ['Blocked', 'Clear', 'Partially Blocked'] varchar Right side otoscopy after ear wax removal (hh_ear_cleaning_r) select from clear, partially blocked, blocked. Station 1: Ear Canal Screen/Otoscopy section.
hh_extra_otoscopic_findings_l Multiselect from the list, separated by of ['Atretic ear', 'Discharge', 'Eczema in ear canal', 'Foreign object in ear canal', 'Other', 'Otitis externa', 'Perforation of ear drum', 'Urgent referral needed'] varchar Extra otoscopic findings for left ear, select all that apply from: perforation of ear drums, discharge, foreign object in ear canal, otitis externa, atretic ear, eczema in ear canal, other. Station 1: Ear Canal Screen/Otoscopy section.
hh_extra_otoscopic_findings_r Multiselect from the list, separated by of ['Atretic ear', 'Discharge', 'Eczema in ear canal', 'Foreign object in ear canal', 'Other', 'Otitis externa', 'Perforation of ear drum', 'Urgent referral needed'] varchar Extra otoscopic findings for right ear, select all that apply from: perforation of ear drums, discharge, foreign object in ear canal, otitis externa, atretic ear, eczema in ear canal, other. Station 1: Ear Canal Screen/Otoscopy section.
hh_extra_oto_findings_other_l Freeform varchar Extra otoscopic findings for left ear (hh_extra_otoscopic_findings_l). This is a freeform text field if other is selected.
hh_extra_oto_findings_other_r Freeform varchar Extra otoscopic findings for right ear (hh_extra_otoscopic_findings_r). This is a freeform text field if other is selected.
hh_follow_up Multiselect from the list, separated by of ['Audiological Evaluation of Hearing', 'Cerumen Removal', 'Ear Protection', 'Hearing Aid Evaluation and Fitting', 'Hearing Aid Repair/ Maintenance', 'Medical evaluation of ears', 'Replacement of Ear Molds', 'Swim Plugs', 'Urgent'] varchar Recommended follow-up care, select all that apply from: urgent follow-up needed, cerumen removal, medical evaluation of ears, audiological evaluation of hearing, replacement of ear molds, hearing aid repair/maintenance, hearing aid evaluation and fitting, swim plugs, ear protection (noise plugs).
hh_leftac_1000 Integer numeric Pure Tone test for Left AC at 1000 level. In Station 5: Pure Tone Thresholds. Comment: If you obtain no response at the maximum intensity level, please write the maximum loudness level that you tested, preceded by a + sign.
hh_leftac_2000 Integer numeric Pure Tone test for Left AC at 2000 level. In Station 5: Pure Tone Thresholds. Comment: If you obtain no response at the maximum intensity level, please write the maximum loudness level that you tested, preceded by a + sign.
hh_leftac_3000 Integer numeric Pure Tone test for Left AC at 3000 level. In Station 5: Pure Tone Thresholds. Comment: If you obtain no response at the maximum intensity level, please write the maximum loudness level that you tested, preceded by a + sign.
hh_leftac_4000 Integer numeric Pure Tone test for Left AC at 4000 level. In Station 5: Pure Tone Thresholds. Comment: If you obtain no response at the maximum intensity level, please write the maximum loudness level that you tested, preceded by a + sign.
hh_leftac_6000 Integer numeric Pure Tone test for Left AC at 6000 level. In Station 5: Pure Tone Thresholds. Comment: If you obtain no response at the maximum intensity level, please write the maximum loudness level that you tested, preceded by a + sign.
hh_leftac_maskedunmasked Single value from the list of ['False', 'True'] varchar Pure Tone test for Left AC, if the box masked is checked or not. In Station 5: Pure Tone Thresholds.
hh_leftbc_1000 Integer numeric Pure Tone test for Left BC at 1000 level. In Station 5: Pure Tone Thresholds. Comment: If you obtain no response at the maximum intensity level, please write the maximum loudness level that you tested, preceded by a + sign.
hh_leftbc_2000 Integer numeric Pure Tone test for Left BC at 2000 level. In Station 5: Pure Tone Thresholds. Comment: If you obtain no response at the maximum intensity level, please write the maximum loudness level that you tested, preceded by a + sign.
hh_leftbc_4000 Integer numeric Pure Tone test for Left BC at 4000 level. In Station 5: Pure Tone Thresholds. Comment: If you obtain no response at the maximum intensity level, please write the maximum loudness level that you tested, preceded by a + sign.
hh_leftbc_maskedunmasked Single value from the list of ['False', 'True'] varchar Pure Tone test for Left BC, if the box masked is checked or not. In Station 5: Pure Tone Thresholds.
hh_oto_emissions_l_why_not Multiselect from the list, separated by of ['Athlete refused testing', 'Cannot achieve seal', 'Excessive Noise', 'Probe Blocked by Cerumen', 'Screening not allowed'] varchar OAE (otoacoustic emissions) Screening on left ear (hh_otoacoustic_emissions_l). If "Can't Test" select reason from: Screening not allowed, Cannot achieve seal, Probe blocked by cerumen, Excessive noise, Athlete refused testing. In Station 2: OAE Screen.
hh_oto_emissions_r_why_not Multiselect from the list, separated by of ['Athlete refused testing', 'Cannot achieve seal', 'Excessive Noise', 'Probe Blocked by Cerumen', 'Screening not allowed'] varchar OAE (otoacoustic emissions) Screening on right ear (hh_otoacoustic_emissions_r). If "Can't Test" select reason from: Screening not allowed, Cannot achieve seal, Probe blocked by cerumen, Excessive noise, Athlete refused testing. In Station 2: OAE Screen.
hh_otoacoustic_emissions_l Single value from the list of ["Can't Test", 'No Pass', 'Pass'] varchar OAE (otoacoustic emissions) Screening on left ear. Select from pass, no pass, can't test. In Station 2: OAE Screen.
hh_otoacoustic_emissions_r Single value from the list of ["Can't Test", 'No Pass', 'Pass'] varchar OAE (otoacoustic emissions) Screening on right ear. Select from pass, no pass, can't test. In Station 2: OAE Screen.
hh_otoscopy_l Single value from the list of ['Blocked', 'Clear', 'Partially Blocked'] varchar Left side otoscopy select from clear, partially blocked, blocked. Station 1: Ear Canal Screen/Otoscopy section.
hh_otoscopy_r Single value from the list of ['Blocked', 'Clear', 'Partially Blocked'] varchar Right side otoscopy select from clear, partially blocked, blocked. Station 1: Ear Canal Screen/Otoscopy section.
hh_puretone_2000_l Single value from the list of ["Can't Test", 'No Pass', 'Pass'] varchar Left pure tone screen at 25dB hearing level for 2000Hz. Select from pass, no pass, can't test. In Station 3: Pure Tone Screen at 25dB Hearing Level.
hh_puretone_2000_r Single value from the list of ["Can't Test", 'No Pass', 'Pass'] varchar Right pure tone screen at 25dB hearing level for 2000Hz. Select from pass, no pass, can't test. In Station 3: Pure Tone Screen at 25dB Hearing Level.
hh_puretone_4000_l Single value from the list of ["Can't Test", 'No Pass', 'Pass'] varchar Left pure tone screen at 25dB hearing level for 4000Hz. Select from pass, no pass, can't test. In Station 3: Pure Tone Screen at 25dB Hearing Level.
hh_puretone_4000_r Single value from the list of ["Can't Test", 'No Pass', 'Pass'] varchar Right pure tone screen at 25dB hearing level for 4000Hz. Select from pass, no pass, can't test. In Station 3: Pure Tone Screen at 25dB Hearing Level.
hh_puretone_l_why_not Multiselect from the list, separated by of ['Athlete refused testing', 'Could not train to respond', 'Excessive Noise'] varchar Left pure tone screen at 25dB hearing level (hh_puretone_2000_l and hh_puretone_4000_l). If "Can't Test" select reason from: could not train to respond, excessive noise, athlete refused testing.. In Station 3: Pure Tone Screen at 25dB Hearing Level.
hh_puretone_r_why_not Multiselect from the list, separated by of ['Athlete refused testing', 'Could not train to respond', 'Excessive Noise'] varchar Right pure tone screen at 25dB hearing level (hh_puretone_2000_r and hh_puretone_4000_r). If "Can't Test" select reason from: could not train to respond, excessive noise, athlete refused testing. In Station 3: Pure Tone Screen at 25dB Hearing Level.
hh_puretone_thresh_reliability Single value from the list of ['Reliable', 'Unreliable'] varchar Pure tone threshold reliability, select from reliable or unreliable. In Station 3: Pure Tone Screen at 25dB Hearing Level.
hh_puretone_threshold_comment Multiselect from the list, separated by of ['Athlete refused testing', 'Could not train to respond', 'Excessive Noise'] varchar Pure tone threshold reliability (hh_puretone_threshold_comment) other options. Select from could not train to respond, excessive noise, athlete refused testing. In Station 3: Pure Tone Screen at 25dB Hearing Level.
hh_rightac_1000 Integer numeric Pure Tone test for Right AC at 1000 level. In Station 5: Pure Tone Thresholds. Comment: If you obtain no response at the maximum intensity level, please write the maximum loudness level that you tested, preceded by a + sign.
hh_rightac_2000 Integer numeric Pure Tone test for Right AC at 2000 level. In Station 5: Pure Tone Thresholds. Comment: If you obtain no response at the maximum intensity level, please write the maximum loudness level that you tested, preceded by a + sign.
hh_rightac_3000 Integer numeric Pure Tone test for Right AC at 3000 level. In Station 5: Pure Tone Thresholds. Comment: If you obtain no response at the maximum intensity level, please write the maximum loudness level that you tested, preceded by a + sign.
hh_rightac_4000 Integer numeric Pure Tone test for Right AC at 4000 level. In Station 5: Pure Tone Thresholds. Comment: If you obtain no response at the maximum intensity level, please write the maximum loudness level that you tested, preceded by a + sign.
hh_rightac_6000 Integer numeric Pure Tone test for Right AC at 6000 level. In Station 5: Pure Tone Thresholds. Comment: If you obtain no response at the maximum intensity level, please write the maximum loudness level that you tested, preceded by a + sign.
hh_rightac_maskedunmasked Single value from the list of ['False', 'True'] varchar Pure Tone test for Right AC, if the box masked is checked or not. In Station 5: Pure Tone Thresholds.
hh_rightbc_1000 Integer numeric Pure Tone test for Right BC at 1000 level. In Station 5: Pure Tone Thresholds. Comment: If you obtain no response at the maximum intensity level, please write the maximum loudness level that you tested, preceded by a + sign.
hh_rightbc_2000 Integer numeric Pure Tone test for Right BC at 2000 level. In Station 5: Pure Tone Thresholds. Comment: If you obtain no response at the maximum intensity level, please write the maximum loudness level that you tested, preceded by a + sign.
hh_rightbc_4000 Integer numeric Pure Tone test for Right BC at 4000 level. In Station 5: Pure Tone Thresholds. Comment: If you obtain no response at the maximum intensity level, please write the maximum loudness level that you tested, preceded by a + sign.
hh_rightbc_maskedunmasked Single value from the list of ['False', 'True'] varchar Pure Tone test for Right BC, if the box masked is checked or not. In Station 5: Pure Tone Thresholds.
hh_extra_services_provided_at_the_event Multiselect from the list, separated by of ['Ear Mold for Hearing Aid', 'Ear Protection', 'Education Provided', 'Education Provided', 'Hearing Aid Fitting', 'Hearing Aid Repair/ Maintenance', 'Hearing Aid Voucher', 'Other', 'Swim Plugs'] varchar Extra services provided at the event, select all that apply from: hearing aid repair/maintenance, ear mold for hearing aid, hearing aid fitting, hearing aid voucher, swim plugs, ear protection (noise plugs), education provided, other.
hh_other_extra_services_other Freeform varchar Extra services provided at the event (hh_extra_services_provided_at_the_event) freeform text field for other.
*hh_station1_screener Freeform varchar Station 1: Ear Canal Screen/Otoscopy. Screener's Name freeform. *This column is NOT shared externally.
*hh_station2_screener Freeform varchar Station 2: OAE Screen. Screener's Name freeform. *This column is NOT shared externally.
*hh_station3_screener Freeform varchar Station 3: Tympanometry Screen. Screener's Name freeform. *This column is NOT shared externally.
*hh_station4_screener Freeform varchar Station 4: Pure Tone Screen at 25dB Hearing Level. Screener's Name freeform. *This column is NOT shared externally.
*hh_station5_screener Freeform varchar Station 5: Pure Tone Thresholds. Screener's Name freeform. *This column is NOT shared externally.
hh_tympanometry_l Single value from the list of ["Can't Test", 'No Pass', 'Pass'] varchar Tympanometry screening of left ear. Select from pass, no pass, can't test. In Station 3: Tympanometry Screen.
hh_tympanometry_l_why_not Multiselect from the list, separated by of ['Athlete refused testing', 'Cannot achieve seal', 'Probe Blocked by Cerumen', 'Screening not allowed'] varchar Tympanometry screening of left ear (hh_tympanometry_l). If "Can't Test" select reason from: Screening not allowed, Cannot achieve seal, Probe blocked by cerumen, Excessive noise, Athlete refused testing. In Station 3: Tympanometry Screen.
hh_tympanometry_r Single value from the list of ["Can't Test", 'No Pass', 'Pass'] varchar Tympanometry screening of right ear. Select from pass, no pass, can't test. In Station 3: Tympanometry Screen.
hh_tympanometry_r_why_not Multiselect from the list, separated by of ['Athlete refused testing', 'Cannot achieve seal', 'Probe Blocked by Cerumen', 'Screening not allowed'] varchar Tympanometry screening of right ear (hh_tympanometry_r). If "Can't Test" select reason from: Screening not allowed, Cannot achieve seal, Probe blocked by cerumen, Excessive noise, Athlete refused testing. In Station 3: Tympanometry Screen.
hh_unmaskedbc_1000 Integer numeric Pure Tone test for Unmasked BC at 1000 level. In Station 5: Pure Tone Thresholds. Comment: If you obtain no response at the maximum intensity level, please write the maximum loudness level that you tested, preceded by a + sign.
hh_unmaskedbc_2000 Integer numeric Pure Tone test for Unmasked BC at 2000 level. In Station 5: Pure Tone Thresholds. Comment: If you obtain no response at the maximum intensity level, please write the maximum loudness level that you tested, preceded by a + sign.
hh_unmaskedbc_4000 Integer numeric Pure Tone test for Unmasked BC at 4000 level. In Station 5: Pure Tone Thresholds. Comment: If you obtain no response at the maximum intensity level, please write the maximum loudness level that you tested, preceded by a + sign.
hh_wearing_hearing_aids_now Single value from the list of ['No', 'Yes'] varchar Questions for athlete to answer. Hearing Aids (hh_has_hearing_aids)? If Yes, wears hearing aids not at event? Select from yes or no.
Fields not currently in database

Under Extra otoscopic findings, there is a multiselect for other that has the categories: Medical evaluation of ears needed for extra otoscopic finidng (not for ear wax), urgent referral needed, oae and tympanometry screening not allowed. The urgent referral needed shows up in extra otoscopic findings but I do not think the others do.


Opening Eyes Resources Page

colname colvalues coltype detail
oe_autorefraction_l_axis Integer numeric Autorefraction axis for left eye.
oe_autorefraction_l_cylinder Integer numeric Autorefraction cylinder for left eye.
oe_autorefraction_l_sphere Integer numeric Autorefraction sphere for left eye.
oe_autorefraction_l_axis Integer numeric Autorefraction axis for right eye.
oe_autorefraction_r_cylinder Integer numeric Autorefraction cylinder for right eye.
oe_autorefraction_r_sphere Integer numeric Autorefraction sphere for right eye.
oe_autorefraction_unable_l Single value from the list of ['Yes'] varchar Autofraction, if unable to test is selected for the left eye.
oe_autorefraction_unable_r Single value from the list of ['No', 'Yes'] varchar Autofraction, if unable to test is selected for the right eye.
oe_color_check Integer varchar Color Vision Color Check. Asked for as __/14 symbols (does not include demonstration card).
oe_color_vision_unable Single value from the list of ['No', 'Yes'] varchar Color Vision, if unable to test is selected.
*oe_comments Freeform varchar Freeform field for additional comments. *This column is NOT shared externally.
oe_eye_exam_last_3_yrs Single value from the list of ['Do Not Know', 'No', 'Yes'] varchar Not on the form at
oe_contact_lenses_type Single value from the list of ['Hard', 'Soft'] varchar Do you wear corrective lenses (oe_previous_rx)? If contact lenses (oe_habitual_rx_type) then select soft or hard. In the History section.
*oe_ct_comments Freeform varchar Free text comments field for the Cover Test. New question that was added to OpenMRS for B23. *This column is NOT shared externally.
oe_ct_far Single value from the list of ['Far Phoria Magnitude', 'Orthophoria', 'Strabismus'] varchar Cover Test Far. Select from orthophoria, phoria or trope.
oe_ct_far_phoria_direction Single value from the list of ['Alternating Hyperphoria', 'Esophoria', 'Exophoria'] varchar Cover Test Far (oe_ct_far), if phoria is selected, select from eso, exo or hyper.
oe_ct_far_phoria_magnitude Integer numeric Cover Test Far (oe_ct_far), if phoria is selected, write the magnitude as range 02-99 __.
oe_ct_far_trope_constant Single value from the list of ['Constant Vertical Heterotropia', 'Intermittent Vertical Heterotropia'] varchar Cover Test Far (oe_ct_far), if trope is selected, select from constant or intermittent.
oe_ct_far_trope_direction Single value from the list of ['Alternating Hyperphoria', 'Eso/hyper tropia', 'Esophoria', 'Exo/hyper Tropia', 'Exophoria'] varchar Cover Test Far (oe_ct_far), if trope is selected, select from eso, exo, hyper, hyper/eso, hyper/exo.
oe_ct_far_trope_magnitude Integer numeric Cover Test Far (oe_ct_far), if trope is selected, write the magnitude as range 02-99 __.
oe_ct_far_unable Single value from the list of ['No', 'Yes'] varchar Cover Test Far, if unable to test is selected.
oe_ct_latent_nystagmus Single value from the list of ['True'] varchar Cover Test, if Latent Nystagmus is selected.
oe_ct_near Single value from the list of ['PHORIA', 'TROPE'] varchar Cover Test Near. Select from phoria or trope.
oe_ct_near_orthophoria Single value from the list of ['No', 'Yes'] varchar Cover Test Near. If orthophoria is selected.
oe_ct_near_phoria_direction Single value from the list of ['Alternating Hyperphoria', 'Esophoria', 'Exophoria'] varchar Cover Test Near (oe_ct_near), if phoria is selected, select from eso, exo or hyper.
oe_ct_near_phoria_magnitude Integer numeric Cover Test Near (oe_ct_near), if phoria is selected, write the magnitude as range 02-99 __.
oe_ct_near_trope_constant Single value from the list of ['Constant Vertical Heterotropia', 'Intermittent Vertical Heterotropia'] varchar Cover Test Near (oe_ct_near), if trope is selected, select from constant or intermittent.
oe_ct_near_trope_direction Single value from the list of ['Alternating Hyperphoria', 'Eso/hyper tropia', 'Esophoria', 'Exo/hyper Tropia', 'Exophoria'] varchar Cover Test Near (oe_ct_near), if trope is selected, select from eso, exo, hyper, hyper/eso, hyper/exo.
oe_ct_near_trope_magnitude Integer numeric Cover Test Near (oe_ct_near), if trope is selected, write the magnitude as range 02-99 __.
oe_ct_near_unable Single value from the list of ['No', 'Yes'] varchar Cover Test Near, if unable to test is selected.
oe_current_add_l Integer numeric Current prescription add left eye. In the History section.
oe_current_add_r Integer numeric Current prescription add right eye. In the History section.
oe_current_axis_l Integer numeric Current prescription axis left eye. In the History section.
oe_current_axis_r Integer numeric Current prescription axis right eye. In the History section.
oe_current_cylinder_l Integer numeric Current prescription cylinder left eye. In the History section.
oe_current_cylinder_r Integer numeric Current prescription cylinder right eye. In the History section.
oe_current_sphere_l Integer numeric Current prescription sphere left eye. In the History section.
oe_current_sphere_r Integer numeric Current prescription sphere right eye. In the History section.
oe_cvme_1 Integer varchar Color Vision (CVME = Color Vision Made Easy Test). Trial 1 measured as __ / 9.
oe_cvme_2 Integer varchar Color Vision (CVME = Color Vision Made Easy Test). Trial 2 If less than 8/9 measured as __ / 9.
oe_date_eyewears_dispensed Date in YYYY-MM-DD format. On Azure it shows up as YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS but the hour minute second is all 0. date Date that the new eyewears were dispensed to the individual. The eyewears that are dispensed can be found in these columns: oe_dress_eyewear_dispensed, oe_sport_goggles_dispensed, oe_swim_goggles_dispensed, oe_plano_sunglasses_dispensed. New question that was added to OpenMRS for B23.
oe_difficulty_seeing Single value from the list of ['Far', 'Near'] varchar Do you experience any of the following (oe_symptoms)? If difficulty seeing was selected, select from far or near. In the History section.
oe_double_vision Single value from the list of ['Far', 'Near'] varchar Do you experience any of the following (oe_symptoms)? If double vision was selected, select from far or near. In the History section.
oe_dress_eyewear_dispensed Integer numeric If dress eyewear was dispensed. New question that was added to OpenMRS for B23 to track glasses that are dispensed at games. The number corresponds to the number of these that were dispensed to the individual and Null means that either 0 were dispensed or this was not recorded.
oe_external_abnormal_results_l Multiselect from the list, separated by of ['Blepharitis', 'Conjunctivis', 'Corneal Anomaly', 'Iris anomaly', 'Lid anomaly', 'Pterigium/pinguecula', 'Ptosis'] varchar Eye Health External left eye, select all that apply from: Lid anomaly, blepharitis, conjunctivitis, ptosis, pterigium/pinguecula, corneal anomaly, iris anomaly.
oe_external_abnormal_results_r Multiselect from the list, separated by of ['Blepharitis', 'Conjunctivis', 'Corneal Anomaly', 'Iris anomaly', 'Lid anomaly', 'Pterigium/pinguecula', 'Ptosis'] varchar Eye Health External right eye, select all that apply from: Lid anomaly, blepharitis, conjunctivitis, ptosis, pterigium/pinguecula, corneal anomaly, iris anomaly.
oe_external_abnormality_l Freeform varchar Eye Health External left eye, freeform field for abnormality.
oe_external_abnormality_r Freeform varchar Eye Health External right eye, freeform field for abnormality.
oe_external_results_l Single value from the list of ['Normal'] varchar Eye Health External left eye, if normal is selected. (other options are in oe_external_abnormal_results_l).
oe_external_results_r Single value from the list of ['Normal'] varchar Eye Health External right eye, if normal is selected. (other options are in oe_external_abnormal_results_r).
oe_external_unable_l Single value from the list of ['No', 'Yes'] varchar Eye Health External left eye, if unable to test is selected.
oe_external_unable_r Single value from the list of ['No', 'Yes'] varchar Eye Health External right eye, if unable to test is selected.
oe_far_va_testability_l Single value from the list of ['Unable to test'] varchar Visual Acuity Far left eye (oe_va_far_l). If unable to test.
oe_far_va_testability_r Single value from the list of ['Unable to test'] varchar Visual Acuity Far right eye (oe_va_far_l). If unable to test.
oe_habitual_rx_type Single value from the list of ['Contact Lenses', 'Sports Rx', 'Standard Rx'] varchar Do you wear corrective lenses (oe_previous_rx)? If yes, select from standard rx, sports rx or contact lenses. In the History section.
oe_internal_abnormal_results_l Multiselect from the list, separated by of ['Cataracts', 'Coloboma', 'Glaucoma Suspect', 'Optical Nerve anomaly', 'Retinal Anomaly'] varchar Eye Health Internal left eye, select all that apply from: cataracts, coloboma, retinal anomaly, optic nerve anomaly, glaucoma suspect.
oe_internal_abnormal_results_r Multiselect from the list, separated by of ['Cataracts', 'Coloboma', 'Glaucoma Suspect', 'Optical Nerve anomaly', 'Retinal Anomaly'] varchar Eye Health Internal right eye, select all that apply from: cataracts, coloboma, retinal anomaly, optic nerve anomaly, glaucoma suspect.
oe_internal_abnormality_l Freeform varchar Eye Health Internal left eye, freeform field for abnormality.
oe_internal_abnormality_r Freeform varchar Eye Health Internal right eye, freeform field for abnormality.
oe_internal_cup_to_disc_ratio_l Freeform varchar Free text field to track the internal cup to disc ratio on the left side. Has a number and text in the response often. New question that was added to OpenMRS for B23.
oe_internal_cup_to_disc_ratio_r Freeform varchar Free text field to track the internal cup to disc ratio on the right side. Has a number and text in the response often. New question that was added to OpenMRS for B23.
oe_internal_results_l Single value from the list of ['Normal'] varchar Eye Health Internal left eye, if normal is selected. (other options are in oe_internal_abnormal_results_l).
oe_internal_results_r Single value from the list of ['Normal'] varchar Eye Health Internal right eye, if normal is selected. (other options are in oe_internal_abnormal_results_r).
oe_internal_unable_l Single value from the list of ['No', 'Yes'] varchar Eye Health Internal left eye, if unable to test is selected.
oe_internal_unable_r Single value from the list of ['No', 'Yes'] varchar Eye Health Internal right eye, if unable to test is selected.
oe_iop_l Integer numeric IOP (Intraocular Pressure) for left eye.
oe_iop_r Integer numeric IOP (Intraocular Pressure) for right eye.
oe_iop_test_l Single value from the list of ['Icare', 'Noncontact'] varchar IOP (Intraocular Pressure) for left eye (oe_iop_l), select from Icare or Noncontact.
oe_iop_test_r Single value from the list of ['Icare', 'Noncontact'] varchar IOP (Intraocular Pressure) for right eye (oe_iop_r), select from Icare or Noncontact.
oe_iop_unable_l Single value from the list of ['False', 'True'] varchar If unable to test is selected for IOP (Intraocular Pressure) for left eye.
oe_iop_unable_r Single value from the list of ['False', 'True'] varchar If unable to test is selected for IOP (Intraocular Pressure) for right eye.
oe_last_eye_exam Single value from the list of ['1-3 years', 'Less than 1 year', 'Never', 'Unknown', 'more than 3 years'] varchar When was your last eye exam? Select one from less than 1 year, 1-3 years, more than 3 years, never, unknown. In the History section.
oe_lea_both Single value from the list of ['Yes'] varchar Visual Acuity Near both eyes. Selection if Lea is selected.
oe_lea_r Single value from the list of ['Yes'] varchar Visual Acuity Far eye (oe_va_far_l and oe_va_far_r). Selection if Lea is selected. It only exists under the right side on the form and in the data, but I think it is for both eyes.
oe_near_perception Single value from the list of ['Light projection/Light perception', 'No light perception'] varchar Visual Acuity Near both eyes (oe_near_va_both) perception. Select from: light projection/light perception, no light perception, other.
oe_near_perception_other Freeform varchar Visual Acuity Near both eyes (oe_near_va_both) perception. Freeform for other category.
oe_near_unable Single value from the list of ['True'] varchar Visual Acuity Near both eyes (oe_near_va_both). If unable to test.
oe_near_va_both Integer varchar Visual Acuity Near both eyes. Shown like 20/ __.
oe_new_rx_type Multiselect from the list of ['Close work only', 'Distance Only', 'Full time Rx'] varchar If New Rx is recommended (oe_recommend_new_rx), select from Full time Rx, Distance only, Close work only. In the recommendations section.
oe_newrx_l_axis Integer numeric New Rx axis for left eye. In the recommendations section.
oe_newrx_l_cylinder Integer numeric New Rx cylinder for left eye. In the recommendations section.
oe_newrx_l_sphere Integer numeric New Rx sphere for left eye. In the recommendations section.
oe_newrx_l_vadistance Integer varchar This does not exist on the form here
oe_newrx_r_add Integer numeric New Rx add for right eye. In the recommendations section.
oe_newrx_r_axis Integer numeric New Rx axis for right eye. In the recommendations section.
oe_newrx_r_cylinder Integer numeric New Rx cylinder for right eye. In the recommendations section.
oe_newrx_r_distanceou Integer varchar This does not exist on the form here
oe_newrx_r_sphere Integer numeric New Rx sphere for right eye. In the recommendations section.
oe_newrx_r_vadistance Integer varchar This does not exist on the form here
oe_newrx_r_vanear Integer varchar This does not exist on the form here
oe_nystagmus_2 Single value from the list of ['No', 'Yes'] varchar Eye Health External, if Nystagmus is selected.
oe_plano_sunglasses_dispensed Integer numeric If plano sunglasses were dispensed. New question that was added to OpenMRS for B23. The number corresponds to the number of these that were dispensed to the individual and Null means that either 0 were dispensed or this was not recorded.
oe_previous_rx Single value from the list of ['No', 'Yes'] varchar Do you wear corrective lenses (glasses or contacts)? Select from yes or no. In the History section.
oe_pupil_abnormality Freeform varchar If Pupils (oe_pupils_results) is abnormal, freeform to describe the abnormality.
oe_pupillary_distance_l Integer numeric Pupillary distance for left eye, if New Rx is recommended (oe_recommend_new_rx). On the form as /. In the recommendations section.
oe_pupillary_distance_r Integer numeric Pupillary distance for right eye, if New Rx is recommended (oe_recommend_new_rx). On the form as /. In the recommendations section.
oe_pupils_results Single value from the list of ['Abnormal', 'Normal'] varchar Pupils, select from normal or abnormal.
oe_pupils_unable Single value from the list of ['No', 'Yes'] varchar If unable to test is selected for Pupils.
oe_reason_for_no_new_rx Single value from the list of ['No change in glasses recommended', 'No glasses recommended'] varchar If No new Rx is recommended (oe_recommend_new_rx), select from No glasses recommended or No change in glasses recommended. In the recommendations section.
oe_recommend_new_rx Single value from the list of ['New Rx', 'No New Rx'] varchar If there is a recommendation, select from No new Rx and New Rx. In the recommendations section.
oe_referral Multiselect from the list of ['Neurologist', 'Ophthalmologist', 'Optometrist', 'Other', 'Primary care physician'] varchar Referral made to, select all that apply from: optometrist, ophthalmologist, primary care physician, neurologist, other.
oe_referral_other Freeform varchar If Referral type of other is selected (oe_referral), this is a freeform text field for other.
oe_refraction_add Integer numeric This does not exist on the form here
oe_refraction_axis_l Integer numeric This does not exist on the form here
oe_refraction_axis_r Integer numeric This does not exist on the form here
oe_refraction_cyl_l Integer numeric This does not exist on the form here
oe_refraction_cyl_r Integer numeric This does not exist on the form here
oe_refraction_ou Integer varchar Refraction OU. Measured as 20/__.
oe_refraction_sphere_l Integer numeric This does not exist on the form here
oe_refraction_sphere_r Integer numeric This does not exist on the form here
oe_refraction_va_l Integer numeric Refraction left eye. Measured as 20/__.
oe_refraction_va_r Integer numeric Refraction right eye. Measured as 20/__.
oe_retinoscopy_add Integer numeric This does not exist on the form here
oe_retinoscopy_axis_l Integer numeric This does not exist on the form here
oe_retinoscopy_axis_r Integer numeric This does not exist on the form here
oe_retinoscopy_cyl_l Integer numeric This does not exist on the form here
oe_retinoscopy_cyl_r Integer numeric This does not exist on the form here
oe_retinoscopy_ou Integer numeric Retinoscopy OU. Measured as 20/__.
oe_retinoscopy_sphere_l Integer numeric This does not exist on the form here
oe_retinoscopy_sphere_r Integer numeric This does not exist on the form here
oe_retinoscopy_va_l Integer numeric Retinoscopy left eye. Measured as 20/__.
oe_retinoscopy_va_r Integer numeric Retinoscopy right eye. Measured as 20/__.
oe_rx_during_screening Single value from the list of ['With Glasses', 'With Glasses or Contacts', 'With contact lenses', 'Without Glasses'] varchar Please check what is worn during screening. Select one from without glasses, with glasses, with contact lenses. In the History section.
oe_sports_goggles Single value from the list of ['Sports goggles'] varchar If New Rx is recommended (oe_recommend_new_rx), if sports goggles is selected. In the recommendations section.
oe_sport_goggles_dispensed Integer numeric If sport goggles were dispensed. New question that was added to OpenMRS for B23. The number corresponds to the number of these that were dispensed to the individual and Null means that either 0 were dispensed or this was not recorded. This is tracked as part of the prescription (Rx) in oe_sports_goggles and oe_sports_goggles_type.
oe_sports_goggles_type Single value from the list of ['Plano', 'Rx'] varchar If New Rx is recommended (oe_recommend_new_rx), and sports goggles is selected (oe_sports_goggles_type), then select from plano or Rx. In the recommendations section.
oe_sportsrx_l_axis Integer numeric New Rx sports goggles axis for left eye. In the recommendations section.
oe_sportsrx_l_cylinder Integer numeric New Rx sports goggles cylinder for left eye. In the recommendations section.
oe_sportsrx_l_sphere Integer numeric New Rx sports goggles sphere for left eye. In the recommendations section.
oe_sportsrx_l_vadistance Integer varchar This does not exist on the form here
oe_sportsrx_r_axis Integer numeric New Rx sports goggles axis for right eye. In the recommendations section.
oe_sportsrx_r_cylinder Integer numeric New Rx sports goggles cylinder for right eye. In the recommendations section.
oe_sportsrx_r_sphere Integer numeric New Rx sports goggles sphere for right eye. In the recommendations section.
oe_sportsrx_r_vadistance Integer varchar This does not exist on the form here
oe_standard_rx_type Single value from the list of ['Far Only', 'Full Time', 'Near Only'] varchar Do you wear corrective lenses (oe_previous_rx)? If standard rx (oe_habitual_rx_type) then select one from: full time, near only, far only. In the History section.
oe_stereopsis_rde_pass Single value from the list of ['Pass'] varchar Stereopsis select from RDE or PASS.
oe_stereopsis_unable Single value from the list of ['Unable to test'] varchar Stereopsis, if unable to test is selected.
oe_stereopsis_value Integer varchar Stereopsis value, asked for as __/6.
oe_sunglasses_plano Single value from the list of ['No', 'Yes'] varchar If Sunglasses (plano) is selected. In the recommendations section.
oe_swim_goggles_dispensed Integer numeric If swim goggles were dispensed. New question that was added to OpenMRS for B23. The number corresponds to the number of these that were dispensed to the individual and Null means that either 0 were dispensed or this was not recorded.
oe_symptoms Multiselect from the list, separated by of ['Difficulty Seeing', 'Double Vision', 'Headaches', 'Sensitivity to light'] varchar Do you experience any of the following? Select from difficulty seeing, headaches, sensitivity to light, double vision. In the History section.
oe_urgent_referral Single value from the list of ['No', 'Yes'] varchar This does not exist on the form here
oe_va_far_l Integer numeric Visual Acuity Far left eye. 20 / __.
oe_va_far_r Integer numeric Visual Acuity Far right eye. 20 / __.
oe_va_perception_far_l Single value from the list of ['Light projection/Light perception', 'No light perception', 'Walk up'] varchar Visual Acuity Far left eye (oe_va_far_l) perception. Select from: walk up, light projection/light perception, no light perception, other.
oe_va_perception_far_l_other Freeform varchar Visual Acuity Far left eye (oe_va_far_l) perception (oe_va_perception_far_l). Freeform for other category.
oe_va_perception_far_r Single value from the list of ['Light projection / Light perception - VA Right Eye', 'No light perception - VA Right Eye', 'Walk Up - VA Right Eye'] varchar Visual Acuity Far right eye (oe_va_far_r) perception. Select from: walk up, light projection/light perception, no light perception, other.
oe_va_perception_far_r_other Freeform varchar Visual Acuity Far right eye (oe_va_far_r) perception (oe_va_perception_far_r). Freeform for other category.
oe_walk_up_l Single value from the list of ['No', 'Yes'] varchar Visual Acuity Far left eye, if walk up Is selected. Also shown in oe_va_perception_far_l.
oe_walk_up_r Single value from the list of ['No', 'Yes'] varchar Visual Acuity Far right eye, if walk up Is selected. Also shown in oe_va_perception_far_r.
Fields not currently in database

Current prescription for right and left eye of prism/base. oe_newrx_l_add (there is only a oe_newrx_r_add which is the New Rx add for right eye. In the recommendations section.) oe_newrx_l_prismbase and oe_newrx_l_prismbase (the New Rx prism/base for right and left eyes. In the recommendations section.) oe_sportsrx_r_add and oe_sportsrx_r_add (the New Sports Goggles Rx ADD for right and left eyes. In the recommendations section.) oe_sportsrx_l_prismbase and oe_sportsrx_l_prismbase (the New Sports Goggles Rx prism/base for right and left eyes. In the recommendations section.) oe_retinoscopy_near_ou and oe_refraction_near_ou (near the bottom but before the recommendations section. There is a part for Near OU for Retinoscopy and for Refraction) oe_retinoscopy_prism_base and oe_refraction_prism_base (near the bottom but before the recommendations section. There is a part for Prism/Base for Retinoscopy and for Refraction)


Special Smiles Resources Page

colname colvalues coltype detail
ss_clean_freq Single value from the list of ['2 to 6 times per week', 'Less than once per week', 'Not sure', 'Once or more a day', 'Once per week'] varchar How often do you clean your mouth? Select one from: once or more a day, 2 to 6 times per week, once per week, less than once per week, not sure. In the Dental History section.
ss_dentist_freq Single value from the list of ['Less than once a year', 'More than twice a year', 'Once a year', 'Only when I have a toothache', 'Twice a year'] varchar If ss_local_dentist is yes, how often do you visit? Select from More than twice a year, Twice a year, Once a year, Less than once a year, or Only when I have a toothache
ss_filled_teeth Single value from the list of ['No', 'Yes'] varchar If there are filled teeth, select from yes or no.
ss_fluoride_given Single value from the list of ['No', 'Yes'] varchar If fluoride varnish is recommended (ss_fluoride_varnish_rec), check box for if the fluoride varnish was delivered.
ss_fluoride_varnish_rec Single value from the list of ['No', 'Yes'] varchar If fluoride varnish is recommended, select from yes or no.
ss_fluorosis Single value from the list of ['No', 'Yes'] varchar If there is fluorosis, select from yes or no.
ss_gingival_signs Single value from the list of ['No', 'Yes'] varchar If there is gingival signs, select from yes or no.
ss_injury Single value from the list of ['No', 'Yes'] varchar If there is injury, select from yes or no.
ss_injury_treated Single value from the list of ['No', 'Yes'] varchar If injury (ss_injury_treated) is yes, is the injury treated? Select from yes or no.
ss_last_dental_visit Single value from the list of ['Do Not Know', 'In the last year', 'More than 1 year ago', 'Never'] varchar About how long has it been since {you/SP} last visited a dentist? Include all types of dentists, such as, orthodontists, oral surgeons, and all other dental specialists, as well as dental hygienists. Select from in the last year, more than 1 year ago, never, or do not know.
ss_local_dentist Single value from the list of ['No', 'Yes'] varchar Do you have a local dentist? Select from yes or no
ss_missing_teeth Single value from the list of ['No', 'Yes'] varchar If there are missing teeth, select from yes or no.
ss_missing_teeth_location Multiselect from the list of ['Anterior(s)', 'Molar(s)', 'Premolar'] varchar If missing teeth (ss_missing_teeth) selected yes, then select all that apply from: Anterior(s) and Molar(s).
ss_mouthguard_given Single value from the list of ['No', 'Yes'] varchar If a mouthguard is recommended (ss_mouthguard_rec), check box for if the mouthguard was delivered.
ss_mouthguard_rec Single value from the list of ['No', 'Yes'] varchar If a mouthguard is recommended, select from yes or no.
*ss_notes Freeform varchar *This column is NOT shared externally.
ss_pain Single value from the list of ['No', 'Yes'] varchar Do you have pain inside mouth? Select from yes or no. In the Dental History section.
ss_pain_location Multiselect from the list of ['Other', 'Teeth'] varchar Do you have pain inside mouth (ss_pain)? If yes, select from teeth or other. In the Dental History section.
ss_refused Single value from the list of ['No', 'Yes'] varchar If the box was checked for Athlete refused/could not screen in the Dental History section.
*ss_screener Freeform varchar *This column is NOT shared externally.
ss_sealants Single value from the list of ['No', 'Yes'] varchar If there are sealant(s), select from yes or no.
ss_treatment_urgency Single value from the list of ['Maintenance', 'Non-urgent', 'Urgent'] varchar What is the treatment urgency? Select one from maintenance, non-urgent and urgent.
ss_untreated_decay Single value from the list of ['No', 'Yes'] varchar If there is untreated decay, select from yes or no.
ss_untreated_decay_location Multiselect from the list, separated by "". ['Anterior(s)', 'Molar(s)', 'Premolar(s)'] varchar If there is untreated decay (ss_untreated_decay) selected yes, then select all that apply from: Anterior(s), Premolar(s) and Molar(s).
Fields not currently in database

If the individual is edentulous (meaning lacking teeth). Select from yes or no. If Yes, it tells you to stop the screening here. If no, it tells your to answer all questions 5 through 14. If the patient is edentulous (lacking teeth) there is an exam completed box to check. that is missing but the missing teeth yes or no exists so this might not be needed.


Strong Minds Resources Page

colname colvalues coltype detail
sm_breathing_deeply Single value from the list of ['Yes'] varchar Breathe deeply answer for the prompt that follows. Check yes if selected. I’d like to tell you a story about an athlete named _. He/she is a Special Olympics athlete in Athletics. He/she made it to the National Games for the 400 meter race (1 lap around the track) and was so excited! But, on the day of the big event, he/she didn’t have his/her best day on the track. Nothing seemed to be going well. He/she came in last and didn’t advance to the finals and is feeling stressed/overwhelmed. What do you think ___can do to feel better in the situation? (Note for Volunteer: Ask the above question open ended and check any of the responses the athlete states below. You may give a few examples, but please don’t list the items below to the athlete. If an athlete says something not on the list, add check yes next to “Other” and write in the response. If the athlete indicates that there’s nothing that can be done or they aren’t sure, select “Nothing/Don’t Know”.)
sm_checkin_how_are_you_feeling Single value from the list of ['Excellent', 'Fair', 'Good', 'Poor', 'Unknown'] varchar How are you feeling right now? Select one from great, good, okay, not good, don't know. In the Check-in/In-Take section.
sm_checkout_how_are_you_feeling Single value from the list of ['Excellent', 'Fair', 'Good', 'Poor', 'Unknown'] varchar How are you feeling right now? Select one from great, good, okay, not good, don't know. This is in the Check-out section.
sm_compete_sports All null values varchar Exercise or play sports answer for the prompt that follows. Check yes if selected. I’d like to tell you a story about an athlete named _. He/she is a Special Olympics athlete in Athletics. He/she made it to the National Games for the 400 meter race (1 lap around the track) and was so excited! But, on the day of the big event, he/she didn’t have his/her best day on the track. Nothing seemed to be going well. He/she came in last and didn’t advance to the finals and is feeling stressed/overwhelmed. What do you think ___can do to feel better in the situation? (Note for Volunteer: Ask the above question open ended and check any of the responses the athlete states below. You may give a few examples, but please don’t list the items below to the athlete. If an athlete says something not on the list, add check yes next to “Other” and write in the response. If the athlete indicates that there’s nothing that can be done or they aren’t sure, select “Nothing/Don’t Know”.)
sm_everyday Single value from the list of ['No', 'Unknown', 'Yes'] varchar Do you think you will use any of the strategies you learned today in competition or everyday life? Select from yes, no, or unkown.
sm_first_time_strong_minds Single value from the list of ['No', 'Unknown', 'Yes'] varchar Is this your first time going through Strong Minds? Select one from yes, no, unsure. In the Check-in/In-Take section.
sm_go_to_sleep Single value from the list of ['Yes'] varchar Go home and go to sleep answer for the prompt that follows. Check yes if selected. I’d like to tell you a story about an athlete named _. He/she is a Special Olympics athlete in Athletics. He/she made it to the National Games for the 400 meter race (1 lap around the track) and was so excited! But, on the day of the big event, he/she didn’t have his/her best day on the track. Nothing seemed to be going well. He/she came in last and didn’t advance to the finals and is feeling stressed/overwhelmed. What do you think ___can do to feel better in the situation? (Note for Volunteer: Ask the above question open ended and check any of the responses the athlete states below. You may give a few examples, but please don’t list the items below to the athlete. If an athlete says something not on the list, add check yes next to “Other” and write in the response. If the athlete indicates that there’s nothing that can be done or they aren’t sure, select “Nothing/Don’t Know”.)
sm_good_thoughts Single value from the list of ['Yes'] varchar Think good thoughts answer for the prompt that follows. Check yes if selected. I’d like to tell you a story about an athlete named _. He/she is a Special Olympics athlete in Athletics. He/she made it to the National Games for the 400 meter race (1 lap around the track) and was so excited! But, on the day of the big event, he/she didn’t have his/her best day on the track. Nothing seemed to be going well. He/she came in last and didn’t advance to the finals and is feeling stressed/overwhelmed. What do you think ___can do to feel better in the situation? (Note for Volunteer: Ask the above question open ended and check any of the responses the athlete states below. You may give a few examples, but please don’t list the items below to the athlete. If an athlete says something not on the list, add check yes next to “Other” and write in the response. If the athlete indicates that there’s nothing that can be done or they aren’t sure, select “Nothing/Don’t Know”.)
sm_listening_to_music Single value from the list of ['Yes'] varchar Listen to music answer for the prompt that follows. Check yes if selected. I’d like to tell you a story about an athlete named _. He/she is a Special Olympics athlete in Athletics. He/she made it to the National Games for the 400 meter race (1 lap around the track) and was so excited! But, on the day of the big event, he/she didn’t have his/her best day on the track. Nothing seemed to be going well. He/she came in last and didn’t advance to the finals and is feeling stressed/overwhelmed. What do you think ___can do to feel better in the situation? (Note for Volunteer: Ask the above question open ended and check any of the responses the athlete states below. You may give a few examples, but please don’t list the items below to the athlete. If an athlete says something not on the list, add check yes next to “Other” and write in the response. If the athlete indicates that there’s nothing that can be done or they aren’t sure, select “Nothing/Don’t Know”.)
sm_looking_at_pictures Single value from the list of ['Yes'] varchar Look at pictures/reminders of good stuff answer for the prompt that follows. Check yes if selected. I’d like to tell you a story about an athlete named _. He/she is a Special Olympics athlete in Athletics. He/she made it to the National Games for the 400 meter race (1 lap around the track) and was so excited! But, on the day of the big event, he/she didn’t have his/her best day on the track. Nothing seemed to be going well. He/she came in last and didn’t advance to the finals and is feeling stressed/overwhelmed. What do you think ___can do to feel better in the situation? (Note for Volunteer: Ask the above question open ended and check any of the responses the athlete states below. You may give a few examples, but please don’t list the items below to the athlete. If an athlete says something not on the list, add check yes next to “Other” and write in the response. If the athlete indicates that there’s nothing that can be done or they aren’t sure, select “Nothing/Don’t Know”.)
sm_not_thinking_about_it Single value from the list of ['Yes'] varchar Try not to think about it answer for the prompt that follows. Check yes if selected. I’d like to tell you a story about an athlete named _. He/she is a Special Olympics athlete in Athletics. He/she made it to the National Games for the 400 meter race (1 lap around the track) and was so excited! But, on the day of the big event, he/she didn’t have his/her best day on the track. Nothing seemed to be going well. He/she came in last and didn’t advance to the finals and is feeling stressed/overwhelmed. What do you think ___can do to feel better in the situation? (Note for Volunteer: Ask the above question open ended and check any of the responses the athlete states below. You may give a few examples, but please don’t list the items below to the athlete. If an athlete says something not on the list, add check yes next to “Other” and write in the response. If the athlete indicates that there’s nothing that can be done or they aren’t sure, select “Nothing/Don’t Know”.)
sm_nothing_or_dont_know Single value from the list of ['Yes'] varchar Nothing/Don't Know answer for the prompt that follows. Check yes if selected. I’d like to tell you a story about an athlete named _. He/she is a Special Olympics athlete in Athletics. He/she made it to the National Games for the 400 meter race (1 lap around the track) and was so excited! But, on the day of the big event, he/she didn’t have his/her best day on the track. Nothing seemed to be going well. He/she came in last and didn’t advance to the finals and is feeling stressed/overwhelmed. What do you think ___can do to feel better in the situation? (Note for Volunteer: Ask the above question open ended and check any of the responses the athlete states below. You may give a few examples, but please don’t list the items below to the athlete. If an athlete says something not on the list, add check yes next to “Other” and write in the response. If the athlete indicates that there’s nothing that can be done or they aren’t sure, select “Nothing/Don’t Know”.)
sm_other_coping Single value from the list of ['Yes'] varchar Other answer for the prompt that follows. Check yes if selected. I’d like to tell you a story about an athlete named _. He/she is a Special Olympics athlete in Athletics. He/she made it to the National Games for the 400 meter race (1 lap around the track) and was so excited! But, on the day of the big event, he/she didn’t have his/her best day on the track. Nothing seemed to be going well. He/she came in last and didn’t advance to the finals and is feeling stressed/overwhelmed. What do you think ___can do to feel better in the situation? (Note for Volunteer: Ask the above question open ended and check any of the responses the athlete states below. You may give a few examples, but please don’t list the items below to the athlete. If an athlete says something not on the list, add check yes next to “Other” and write in the response. If the athlete indicates that there’s nothing that can be done or they aren’t sure, select “Nothing/Don’t Know”.)
sm_relaxation_routine_details Single value from the list of ['Excellent', 'Fair', 'Good', 'Poor', 'Unknown'] varchar This is not on the form here
sm_stress_and_you Single value from the list of ['No', 'Yes'] varchar If you completed the Stress and you station, will you use it in the future? Select use in the future or won't use in the future. This is in the Check-out section.
sm_stretching_muscles Single value from the list of ['Yes'] varchar Stretch or tense/relax muscles answer for the prompt that follows. Check yes if selected. I’d like to tell you a story about an athlete named _. He/she is a Special Olympics athlete in Athletics. He/she made it to the National Games for the 400 meter race (1 lap around the track) and was so excited! But, on the day of the big event, he/she didn’t have his/her best day on the track. Nothing seemed to be going well. He/she came in last and didn’t advance to the finals and is feeling stressed/overwhelmed. What do you think ___can do to feel better in the situation? (Note for Volunteer: Ask the above question open ended and check any of the responses the athlete states below. You may give a few examples, but please don’t list the items below to the athlete. If an athlete says something not on the list, add check yes next to “Other” and write in the response. If the athlete indicates that there’s nothing that can be done or they aren’t sure, select “Nothing/Don’t Know”.)
sm_strong_breathing Single value from the list of ['No', 'Yes'] varchar If you completed the Strong Breathing station, will you use it in the future? Select use in the future or won't use in the future. This is in the Check-out section.
sm_strong_messages Single value from the list of ['No', 'Yes'] varchar If you completed the Strong Messages station, will you use it in the future? Select use in the future or won't use in the future. This is in the Check-out section.
sm_strong_stretching Single value from the list of ['No', 'Yes'] varchar If you completed the Strong Stretching station, will you use it in the future? Select use in the future or won't use in the future. This is in the Check-out section.
sm_strong_supporting Single value from the list of ['No', 'Yes'] varchar If you completed the Strong Supporting station, will you use it in the future? Select use in the future or won't use in the future. This is in the Check-out section.
sm_taking_a_walk Single value from the list of ['Yes'] varchar Take a walk answer for the prompt that follows. Check yes if selected. I’d like to tell you a story about an athlete named _. He/she is a Special Olympics athlete in Athletics. He/she made it to the National Games for the 400 meter race (1 lap around the track) and was so excited! But, on the day of the big event, he/she didn’t have his/her best day on the track. Nothing seemed to be going well. He/she came in last and didn’t advance to the finals and is feeling stressed/overwhelmed. What do you think ___can do to feel better in the situation? (Note for Volunteer: Ask the above question open ended and check any of the responses the athlete states below. You may give a few examples, but please don’t list the items below to the athlete. If an athlete says something not on the list, add check yes next to “Other” and write in the response. If the athlete indicates that there’s nothing that can be done or they aren’t sure, select “Nothing/Don’t Know”.)
sm_talking_to_someone Single value from the list of ['Yes'] varchar Talk to someone answer for the prompt that follows. Check yes if selected. I’d like to tell you a story about an athlete named _. He/she is a Special Olympics athlete in Athletics. He/she made it to the National Games for the 400 meter race (1 lap around the track) and was so excited! But, on the day of the big event, he/she didn’t have his/her best day on the track. Nothing seemed to be going well. He/she came in last and didn’t advance to the finals and is feeling stressed/overwhelmed. What do you think ___can do to feel better in the situation? (Note for Volunteer: Ask the above question open ended and check any of the responses the athlete states below. You may give a few examples, but please don’t list the items below to the athlete. If an athlete says something not on the list, add check yes next to “Other” and write in the response. If the athlete indicates that there’s nothing that can be done or they aren’t sure, select “Nothing/Don’t Know”.)
sm_using_stress_ball Single value from the list of ['Yes'] varchar Use a stress ball answer for the prompt that follows. Check yes if selected. I’d like to tell you a story about an athlete named _. He/she is a Special Olympics athlete in Athletics. He/she made it to the National Games for the 400 meter race (1 lap around the track) and was so excited! But, on the day of the big event, he/she didn’t have his/her best day on the track. Nothing seemed to be going well. He/she came in last and didn’t advance to the finals and is feeling stressed/overwhelmed. What do you think ___can do to feel better in the situation? (Note for Volunteer: Ask the above question open ended and check any of the responses the athlete states below. You may give a few examples, but please don’t list the items below to the athlete. If an athlete says something not on the list, add check yes next to “Other” and write in the response. If the athlete indicates that there’s nothing that can be done or they aren’t sure, select “Nothing/Don’t Know”.)
sm_watch_tv_play_games Single value from the list of ['Yes'] varchar Watch TV/Play video games answer for the prompt that follows. Check yes if selected. I’d like to tell you a story about an athlete named _. He/she is a Special Olympics athlete in Athletics. He/she made it to the National Games for the 400 meter race (1 lap around the track) and was so excited! But, on the day of the big event, he/she didn’t have his/her best day on the track. Nothing seemed to be going well. He/she came in last and didn’t advance to the finals and is feeling stressed/overwhelmed. What do you think ___can do to feel better in the situation? (Note for Volunteer: Ask the above question open ended and check any of the responses the athlete states below. You may give a few examples, but please don’t list the items below to the athlete. If an athlete says something not on the list, add check yes next to “Other” and write in the response. If the athlete indicates that there’s nothing that can be done or they aren’t sure, select “Nothing/Don’t Know”.)
sm_will_you_use_any_strategies Single value from the list of ['No', 'Unknown', 'Yes'] varchar Do you think you will use any of the strategies you learned today in competition or everyday life? Select from yes, no, unsure. This is in the Check-out section.
Fields not currently in database

For the prompt question #3 (I'd like to tell you a story...). There is a no response/unable to answer question response that is not there. Would you tell a friend, family member, or teammate about any of the strategies you learned today? select from yes, no, unsure. Use one strategy you learned today to set your strong minds goal. This whole section is missing, which includes: select one strategy you will use in the future, when do you think you could use this strategy freeform, when do you think you could use this strategy boxes, who will support you, this person is a ['friend', 'family member','coach', 'teammate', or other].


colname coltype detail
Id int Row ID Number
Rows int Number of rows inserted
Skipped int Number of rows skipped
PipelineVersion number like 0.0.1 Pipeline version number
UpdateDateTime datetime yyyy-mm-dd hh🇲🇲ss.sss Update date time
PipelineRunTime int Pipeline run time in seconds


How to create a view

IF OBJECT_ID('has.fitFeetCleaned', 'V') IS NOT NULL
    DROP VIEW has.fitFeetCleaned;
CREATE VIEW has.fitFeetCleaned AS
SELECT top 10 * FROM [HAS].[FitFeet]

To get the columns and their data types for the vecna openmrs data

    ns.nspname AS schema_name,
    cls.relname AS table_name,
    attr.attname AS column_name,
    tp.typname AS datatype
FROM pg_catalog.pg_attribute AS attr
JOIN pg_catalog.pg_class AS cls ON cls.oid = attr.attrelid
JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace AS ns ON ns.oid = cls.relnamespace
JOIN pg_catalog.pg_type AS tp ON tp.oid = attr.atttypid
    ns.nspname = 'dw'
    AND cls.relname = 'special_smiles_migration_view'
    AND attr.attnum >= 1

To get the columns and their data types for the azure sql server

    col.column_id AS id,, AS data_type,
FROM sys.tables AS tab
    INNER JOIN sys.columns AS col
        ON tab.object_id = col.object_id
    LEFT JOIN sys.types AS t
    ON col.user_type_id = t.user_type_id
WHERE = 'FitFeet' -- enter table name here
AND schema_name(tab.schema_id) = 'LegacyHAS'
ORDER BY, column_id;


The HAS normal tables are uncleaned versions of the HAS views. The format for the HAS tables and HAS views are the same, except for a few added/removed columns because calculated columns are created in the views. For this, all changes between the HAS tables and the HAS views are done in SQL in the file GitHub/soi-dwh/soidatawarehouse/soload/soload/sql/

Column changes

  • For all disciplines
  • insert_job_tstz is removed from the HAS views. This was because it is the insert time for when the row goes into the Vecna database and Vecna has some issues with duplicated rows with different insert_job_tstz.
  • TableId is added to HAS views. This is the minimum Id from the original HAS table,w hich to used to stabilize the view creation in order to deduplicate rows in the views. This column is strictly used for stabilizing the row order for loading data in to Core.

  • For FitFeet

  • fitf_pain_feet was removed from the FitFeet view because the data is already captured in a different column and it was an error from Vecna

  • For FunFitness These are used in calculations of ff_any_flex, ff_any_strength and ff_any_bal. I am unsure what they mean on their own. In the future, these calculations will be looked into more to understand why they were this way in the past and to confirm accuracy. These are legacy calculations from Jon.

  • ff_knee_flex = used for calculation of ff_any_flex
  • ff_ankle_flex = used for calculation of ff_any_flex
  • ff_hip_flex = used for calculation of ff_any_flex
  • ff_shoulder_flex = used for calculation of ff_any_flex
  • ff_leg_strength = used for calculation of ff_any_strength
  • ff_ab_strength = used for calculation of ff_any_strength
  • ff_extrem_strength = used for calculation of ff_any_strength
  • ff_grip_strength = used for calculation of ff_any_strength
  • ff_eyes_o_bal = used for calculation of ff_any_bal
  • ff_eyes_c_bal = used for calculation of ff_any_bal
  • ff_func_bal = used for calculation of ff_any_bal These are already in the HAS table documentation, but are only columns in the HAS views because they are calculated columns. These are legacy calculations from Jon
  • ff_any_flex
  • ff_any_strength
  • ff_any_bal

  • For HealthPromotion

  • hp_bmi_percentile_under_20_weight_status is already in the documentation but only exists in the HAS view because it is a calculation


HASPublic are the HAS tables that everyone should use when querying HAS, as these tables are the HAS views joined back to Core.PersonResolved to allow us to use the resolved PersonUUid for querying.