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SHE (Single Health Evaluation)

Desired calculations from the SHE data are included in the data warehouse. This is a calculated table and not a raw table, where we are partnering with Kiki Martin from the health research team to put the data in the proper format required before putting into the pipeline because the SHE in its raw form is highly variable. We will be adding more historical data in the future once it can be cleaned. This data is in two formats, both wide and long data format but it contains the same information.

Link to the SHE data. This data is located in the Azure Data Lake. When the data gets updated or a new data set cleaned, it will need to be updated here and the pipeline pulls the data from this location. Multiple years of data can be included in this location as long as they are in the same format with the same column names and similar title pattern. The year range in the tables gets taken from the title, so the yyyy_yyyy_Metrics_Chart.xlsx pattern is very important to parse that year range. The data will be concatenated so the column names and format must be the same as well.

SHE Data

If you have any questions, please contact John, Karly, or Kiki.


SHE data calculated into desired summary calculations that the health team desired. This has the same information as SummaryLong but this is in a wide data format.

colname colvalues coltype detail
Program Program in same format as Census varchar(max) Program name
ProgramRaw Raw Program name varchar(max) Program name without cleaning in raw format
Region Region in same format as census varchar(max) Region of program
RegionRaw Raw Region name varchar(max) Region without cleaning in raw format
CreatedDateTime Date in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.SSS format varchar(max) Date the row was created in the data warehouse
DateRange Date range of the file varchar(max) Date range of the file. This is a range because the SHE year timeframe is not one year and changes year to year. This is taken from the file name.
athletes_registered_in_program number integer Number of Athletes registered in the Program. This number should match the number for the Program in the census.
athletes_participating_in_health_activities number integer Number of individual athletes who participated in your health activities.
percent_of_athletes_participating_in_health_activities percentage/decimal float Percentage of athletes participating in health activities. Pre-calculated in smartsheet by dividing the athletes registered in program column by the athletes participating in health activities column.
soi_approved_funds_for_health_impact_grant Decimal in Dollar/cent format $0.00 float Dollar Amount Program received from SOI for HIG
total_vik Decimal in Dollar/cent format $0.00 float Total VIK dollar amount Program raised to support their own health activities
total_cash Decimal in Dollar/cent format $0.00 float Total Cash dollar amount Program raised to support their own health activities
total_cash_and_vik_from_program_and_partners Decimal in Dollar/cent format $0.00 float Total cash and vik a Program used during the grant year. This is the amount Programs raised on their own with no SOI funds. Pre-calculated in smartsheet by adding the total cash and total vik colums together.
total_cash_and_vik_and_soi_funds Decimal in Dollar/cent format $0.00 float Total cash, vik, and soi funds a Program used in the grant year. Pre-calculated in smartsheet by adding up the total vik, total cash, and soi aproved funds for health impact grant columns.
young_athletes_with_id number integer Total number of participating Young Athletes with ID.
new_young_athletes_with_id_as_of_grant_year number integer Total number of participating Young Athletes with ID: Of these, how many are new Young Athletes with ID as of this grant reporting period?
young_athletes_without_id number integer Total number of participating Young Athletes without ID.
new_young_athletes_without_id_as_of_grant_year number integer Total number of participating Young Athletes without ID: Of these, how many are new Young Athletes with ID as of this grant reporting period?
young_athletes_with_and_without_id number integer Pre-calculated in smartsheet by adding the young athletes with ID column to the young athletes without ID column.
new_young_athletes_with_and_without_id_as_of_grant_year number integer Pre-calculated in smartsheet by adding the new young athletes with ID as of grant year column to the new young athletes without ID as of grant year column.
ongoing_maintenance_and_engagement_of_young_athletes number integer Pre-calculated in smartsheet but subtracting the
fitness_opportunities number integer Number of fitness opportunities.
pwid_in_ongoing_fitness_programming_in_person number integer Total number of people in structured fitness programming in person only (Ongoing fitness Programming 6 weeks or longer)
pwid_in_ongoing_fitness_programming_virtual number integer Total number of people in structured fitness programming virtual only (Ongoing fitness Programming 6 weeks or longer)
pwid_in_ongoing_fit_programming_in_person_and_virtual number integer Total number of people in structured fitness programming both in person and virtual (Ongoing fitness Programming 6 weeks or longer). Pre-calculated in smartsheet by adding the PWID in Ongoing Fitness Programming In Person column to the PWID in Ongoing Fitness Programming Virtual column.
percent_of_athletes_in_structured_fitness_programming percentage/decimal float Pre-calculated in smartsheet by dividing the PWID in Ongoing Fitness Programming In Person column by the Athletes registered in Program column.
pwid_in_one_time_fitness_in_person number integer Total number of people participating in one-time fitness programming virtual (6 weeks or less)
pwid_in_one_time_fitness_virtual number integer Total number of people participating in one-time fitness programming in-person (6 weeks or less)
pwid_in_one_time_fitness_in_person_and_virtual number integer Total number of people participating in one-time fitness programming virtual and in-person total (6 weeks or less). Pre-calculated in smartsheet by adding the PWID in One Time Fitness In Person column with the PWID in One Time Fitness Virtual column.
unified_partners_in_fitness_programming_in_person number integer Number of Unified partners participating in structured fitness programming (6 weeks or longer): In Person
unified_partners_in_fitness_programming_virtual number integer Number of Unified partners participating in structured fitness programming (6 weeks or longer): Virtual
school_based_fitness_participants_in_person number integer Of your total number of participants in structured fitness programming (6 weeks or longer), how many are school-based participants: In Person
school_based_fitness_participants_virtual number integer Of your total number of participants in structured fitness programming (6 weeks or longer), how many are school-based participants: Virtual
has_fit_five_programming Binary Yes or No changed into Yes = 1 and No = 0 bit Whether the Program implemented the following fitness programming: Fit 5
has_high_five_programming Binary Yes or No changed into Yes = 1 and No = 0 bit Whether the Program implemented the following fitness programming: High 5
has_unified_fitness_club_programming Binary Yes or No changed into Yes = 1 and No = 0 bit Whether the Program implemented the following fitness programming: Unified Fitness Club
has_fit_families_and_friends_programming Binary Yes or No changed into Yes = 1 and No = 0 bit Whether the Program implemented the following fitness programming: Fit Family and Friends
has_sofit_program Binary Yes or No changed into Yes = 1 and No = 0 bit Whether the Program implemented the following fitness programming: SOFit
has_performance_stations_programming Binary Yes or No changed into Yes = 1 and No = 0 bit Whether the Program implemented the following fitness programming: Preformance Stations
has_other_ongoing_fitness_programming Binary Yes or No changed into Yes = 1 and No = 0 bit Whether the Program implemented the following fitness programming: Other Ongoing Fitness Programming
preventative_health_education_opportunities number integer Number of preventive health education opportunities
pwid_engaged_in_preventative_health_education number integer Across all your preventive health education programming (outside of Family Health Forums), please tell us how many individuals you are reaching: Number of people with ID receiving preventive health education
unified_partners_engaged_in_preventative_health_education number integer Across all your preventive health education programming (outside of Family Health Forums), please tell us how many individuals you are reaching: Number of Unified partners receiving preventive health education
family_members_or_caregivers_engaged_in_preventative_health_education number integer Across all your preventive health education programming (outside of Family Health Forums), please tell us how many individuals you are reaching: Number of family members and caregivers receiving preventive health education
total_people_engaged_in_preventative_health_education number integer Pre-calculated in smartsheet by adding the following 3 columns: PWID Engaged in PHE, Unified Partners Engaged in PHE, Family Members or Caregivers Engaged in PHE.
in_person_trainings_for_coaches number integer How many in-person training opportunities Program held for coaches since the beginning of this grant period.
coaches_trained_to_integrate_health_and_fitness_in_person number integer How many coaches were trained on integrating health or fitness at in-person training opportunities.
coaches_trained_actively_integrating_health_and_fitness_in_person number integer Of those coaches who were trained in-person, how many are integrating health or fitness into sports practices.
virtual_trainings_for_coaches number integer How many virtual training opportunities Program held for coaches since the beginning of this grant period.
coaches_trained_to_integrate_health_and_fitness_virtual number integer How many coaches were trained on integrating health or fitness at virtual training opportunities.
coaches_trained_actively_integrating_health_and_fitness_virtual number integer Of those coaches who were trained virtual, how many are integrating health or fitness into sports practices.
trainings_for_coaches_in_person_and_virtual number integer Number of trainings opportunities both in person and virtual held for coaches since the beginning of this grant period. Pre-calculated in smartsheet by adding the In Person Trainings for Coaches column with the Virtual Trainings for Coaches column.
total_coaches_trained_to_integrate_health_and_fitness number integer Number of coaches trained virtually and in person on integrating health or fitness at the coach training opportunities. Pre-calculated in smartsheet by adding the Coaches Trained to Integrate HF In Person column with the Coaches Trained to Integrate HF Virtual column
total_coaches_actively_integrating_health_and_fitness number integer Of those coaches who were trained virtually and in-person, the number of coaches that are integrating health or fitness into sports practices. Pre-calculated in smartsheet by adding the Coaches Trained Actively Integrating HF In Person column with the Coaches Trained Actively Integrating HF Virtual column.
fitness_captains_trained number integer The number of fitness captains trained at fitness captain trainings
held_heathly_athlete_events Binary Yes or No changed into Yes = 1 and No = 0 bit Programs responds yes or no to whether they held healthy athlete events
virtual_healthy_athlete_events number integer Number of Virtual Healthy Athlete Events
soi_funds_for_healthy_athletes Decimal in Dollar/cent format $0.00 float Total SOI funds spent on Healthy Athlete events
vik_for_healthy_athletes Decimal in Dollar/cent format $0.00 float Total VIK dollars spent on Healthy Athlete events
cash_for_healthy_athletes Decimal in Dollar/cent format $0.00 float Total Cash spent on Healthy Athlete events
cash_and_vik_for_healthy_athletes Decimal in Dollar/cent format $0.00 float Total Cash and VIK spent on Healthy Athlete events. Pre-calculated in smartsheet by adding the VIK for healthy athletes column with the cash for healthy athletes column. This amount tells us how much of a Programs own self-raised funds were spent on healthy athletes.
total_cash_and_vik_and_soi_funds_for_healthy_athletes Decimal in Dollar/cent format $0.00 float Total SOI Funds Cash and VIK(total dollar amount) spent on Healthy Athlete events. Pre-calculated in smartsheet by adding the SOI funds for healthy athletes, VIK for healthy athletes, and the cash for healthy athletes columns.
overall_healthy_athlete_disciplines_offered number integer Total number of disciplines held across all events. As of 2023 there are 8 total.
overall_healthy_athlete_events number integer Total number of healthy athlete events were held.
overall_screenings_fit_feet number integer Number of FitFeet Screenings
overall_screenings_fun_fitness number integer Number of FunFitness Screenings
overall_screenings_health_promotion number integer Number of Health Promotion Screenings
overall_screenings_healthy_hearing number integer Number of Healthy Hearing Screenings
overall_screenings_med_fest number integer Number of Med Fest Screenings
overall_screenings_opening_eyes number integer Number of Opening Eyes Screenings
overall_screenings_special_smiles number integer Number of Special Smiles Screenings
overall_screenings_strong_minds number integer Number of Strong Minds Screenings
overall_screenings_healthy_young_athlete number integer Number of Healthy Young Athlete Screenings
total_healthy_athlete_screenings number integer Total number of Healthy Athlete Screenings. Calculation done in code.
healthy_athete_events_in_new_locations number integer Number of Healthy Athlete events that were held in a new location, as in events held in locations the Program has never held an event in before.
disciplines_in_new_locations number integer Number of disciplines that were held in a new location, as in the number of disciplines present at events held in locations the Program has never held an event in before.
screenings_in_new_locations number integer Number of screenings that were held in a new location, as in the number of screenings completed at events held in locations the Program has never held an event in before.
health_professional_volunteers number integer How many Health Professionals were trained at Healthy Athlete Events.
health_professional_student_volunteers number integer How many Health Professional Students were trained at Healthy Athlete Events.
non_health_professional_volunteers number integer How many Non-Health Professionals were trained at Healthy Athlete Events.
other_volunteers_not_health_professional_or_student number integer How many volunteers, who were not any type of Professional or Student, were trained at Healthy Athlete Events.
total_healthy_athlete_volunteers number integer Total number of volunteers trained at Healthy Athlete events. Pre-calculated in smartsheet by adding the following 4 columns: Health Professional Volunteers, Health Professional Student Volunteers, Non Health Professional Volunteers, Other Volunteers Not H Professional or Student.
fit_feet_urgent_and_non_urgent_referrals number integer Total number of fit feet referrals, urgent and non urgent, calculated in code.
fit_feet_non_urgent_referrals number integer Total number of non-urgent FitFeet referrals.
fit_feet_non_urgent_referrals_confirmed_to_have_a_place_to_go_for_care number integer Total number of non-urgent FitFeet referrals confirmed to have a place to go for care.
fit_feet_non_urgent_referrals_confirmed_to_have_received_care number integer Total number of non-urgent FitFeet referrals confirmed to have received care.
fit_feet_urgent_referrals number integer Total number of urgent FitFeet referrals.
fit_feet_urgent_referrals_confirmed_to_have_a_place_to_go_for_care number integer Total number of urgent FitFeet referrals confirmed to have a place to go for care.
fit_feet_urgent_referrals_confirmed_to_have_received_care number integer Total number of urgent FitFeet referrals confirmed to have received care.
fun_fitness_urgent_and_non_urgent_referrals number integer Total number of Fun Fitness referrals, urgent and non urgent, calculated in code.
fun_fitness_non_urgent_referrals number integer Total number of non-urgent FunFitness referrals.
fun_fitness_non_urgent_referrals_confirmed_to_have_a_place_to_go_for_care number integer Total number of non-urgent FunFitness referrals confirmed to have a place to go for care.
fun_fitness_non_urgent_referrals_confirmed_to_have_received_care number integer Total number of non-urgent FunFitness referrals confirmed to have received care.
fun_fitness_non_urgent_referrals_enrolled_in_fitness_programming number integer Total number of non-urgent FunFitness referrals that are enrolled in fitness programming.
fun_fitness_urgent_referrals number integer Total number of urgent FunFitness referrals.
fun_fitness_urgent_referrals_confirmed_to_have_a_place_to_go_for_care number integer Total number of urgent FunFitness referrals confirmed to have a place to go for care.
fun_fitness_urgent_referrals_confirmed_to_have_received_care number integer Total number of urgent FunFitness referrals confirmed to have received care.
health_promotion_urgent_and_non_urgent_referrals number integer Total number of Health Promotion referrals, urgent and non urgent, calculated in code.
health_promotion_non_urgent_referrals number integer Total number of non-urgent HealthPromotion referrals.
health_promotion_non_urgent_referrals_confirmed_to_have_a_place_to_go_for_care number integer Total number of non-urgent HealthPromotion referrals confirmed to have a place to go for care.
health_promotion_non_urgent_referrals_confirmed_to_have_received_care number integer Total number of non-urgent HealthPromotion referrals confirmed to have received care.
health_promotion_non_urgent_referrals_enrolled_in_fitness_programming number integer Total number of non-urgent HealthPromotion referrals that are enrolled in fitness programming.
health_promotion_urgent_referrals number integer Total number of urgent HealthPromotion referrals.
health_promotion_urgent_referrals_confirmed_to_have_a_place_to_go_for_care number integer Total number of urgent HealthPromotion referrals confirmed to have a place to go for care.
health_promotion_urgent_referrals_confirmed_to_have_received_care number integer Total number of urgent HealthPromotion referrals confirmed to have received care.
healthy_hearing_urgent_and_non_urgent_referrals number integer Total number of Healthy Hearing referrals, urgent and non urgent, calculated in code.
healthy_hearing_non_urgent_referrals number integer Total number of non-urgent HealthyHearing referrals.
healthy_hearing_non_urgent_referrals_confirmed_to_have_a_place_to_go_for_care number integer Total number of non-urgent HealthyHearing referrals confirmed to have a place to go for care.
healthy_hearing_non_urgent_referrals_confirmed_to_have_received_care number integer Total number of non-urgent HealthyHearing referrals confirmed to have received care.
healthy_hearing_urgent_referrals number integer Total number of urgent HealthyHearing referrals.
healthy_hearing_urgent_referrals_confirmed_to_have_a_place_to_go_for_care number integer Total number of urgent HealthyHearing referrals confirmed to have a place to go for care.
healthy_hearing_urgent_referrals_confirmed_to_have_received_care number integer Total number of urgent HealthyHearing referrals confirmed to have received care.
med_fest_urgent_referrals number integer Total number of MedFest urgent referrals.
med_fest_urgent_referrals_confirmed_to_have_a_place_to_go_for_care number integer Total number of urgent MedFest referrals confirmed to have a place to go for care.
med_fest_urgent_referrals_confirmed_to_have_received_care number integer Total number of urgent MedFest referrals confirmed to have received care.
opening_eyes_urgent_and_non_urgent_referrals number integer Total number of Opening Eyes referrals, urgent and non urgent, calculated in code.
opening_eyes_non_urgent_referrals number integer Total number of non-urgent OpeningEyes referrals.
opening_eyes_non_urgent_referrals_confirmed_to_have_a_place_to_go_for_care number integer Total number of non-urgent OpeningEyes referrals confirmed to have a place to go for care.
opening_eyes_non_urgent_referrals_confirmed_to_have_received_care number integer Total number of non-urgent OpeningEyes referrals confirmed to have received care.
opening_eyes_urgent_referrals number integer Total number of urgent OpeningEyes referrals.
opening_eyes_urgent_referrals_confirmed_to_have_a_place_to_go_for_care number integer Total number of urgent OpeningEyes referrals confirmed to have a place to go for care.
opening_eyes_urgent_referrals_confirmed_to_have_received_care number integer Total number of urgent OpeningEyes referrals confirmed to have received care.
special_smiles_urgent_and_non_urgent_referrals number integer Total number of Special Smiles referrals, urgent and non urgent, calculated in code.
special_smiles_non_urgent_referrals number integer Total number of non-urgent SpecialSmiles referrals.
special_smiles_non_urgent_referrals_confirmed_to_have_a_place_to_go_for_care number integer Total number of non-urgent SpecialSmiles referrals confirmed to have a place to go for care.
special_smiles_non_urgent_referrals_confirmed_to_have_received_care number integer Total number of non-urgent SpecialSmiles referrals confirmed to have received care.
special_smiles_urgent_referrals number integer Total number of urgent SpecialSmiles referrals.
special_smiles_urgent_referrals_confirmed_to_have_a_place_to_go_for_care number integer Total number of urgent SpecialSmiles referrals confirmed to have a place to go for care.
special_smiles_urgent_referrals_confirmed_to_have_received_care number integer Total number of urgent SpecialSmiles referrals confirmed to have received care.
healthy_young_athlete_urgent_and_non_urgent_referrals number integer Total number of Healthy Young Athlete referrals, urgent and non urgent, calculated in code.
healthy_young_athlete_non_urgent_referrals number integer Total number of non-urgent Healthy Young Athlete referrals.
healthy_young_athlete_non_urgent_referrals_confirmed_to_have_a_place_to_go_for_care number integer Total number of non-urgent Healthy Young Athlete referrals confirmed to have a place to go for care.
healthy_young_athlete_non_urgent_referrals_confirmed_to_have_received_care number integer Total number of non-urgent Healthy Young Athlete referrals confirmed to have received care.
healthy_young_athlete_urgent_referrals number integer Total number of urgent Healthy Young Athlete referrals.
healthy_young_athlete_urgent_referrals_confirmed_to_have_a_place_to_go_for_care number integer Total number of urgent Healthy Young Athlete referrals confirmed to have a place to go for care.
healthy_young_athlete_urgent_referrals_confirmed_to_have_received_care number integer Total number of urgent Healthy Young Athlete referrals confirmed to have received care.
non_urgent_referrals number integer Total number of all non urgent referrals across all disciplines, pre-calculated in smartsheet.
urgent_referrals number integer Total number of all urgent referrals across all disciplines (including med-fest), pre-calculated in smartsheet.
referrals_urgent_and_non_urgent_and_med_fest number integer Total number of all referrals ( urgent, non-urgent, and med-fest) across all disciplines, pre-calculated in smartsheet.
non_urgent_referrals_confirmed_to_have_place_to_go number integer Total number of non-urgent referrals confirmed to have a place to go for care. Pre-calculated n smartsheet.
non_urgent_referrals_confirmed_to_have_received_care number integer Total number of non-urgent referrals confirmed to have received care. Pre-calculated n smartsheet.
urgent_referrals_confirmed_to_have_a_place_to_go number integer Total number of urgent referrals confirmed to have a place to go for care. Pre-calculated n smartsheet.
urgent_referrals_confirmed_to_have_received_care number integer Total number of urgent referrals confirmed to have received care. Pre-calculated n smartsheet.
non_urgent_and_urgent_referrals_confirmed_to_have_a_place_to_go number integer Total number of urgent and non-urgent referrals confirmed to have a place to go to recieve care. Pre-calculated in smartsheet.
non_urgent_and_urgent_referrals_confirmed_to_have_received_care number integer Total number of urgent and non-urgent referrals confirmed to have received care. Pre-calculated in smartsheet.
athletes_received_hearing_aids number integer Total number of athletes that received hearing aids out of those screened across all healthy hearing disciplines at healthy athlete events
athletes_received_eyeglasses number integer Total number of athletes that received eyeglasses out of those screened across all opening eyes disciplines at healthy athlete events
conducts_follow_up_care_outside_healthy_athletes Binary Yes or No changed into Yes = 1 and No = 0 bit Program responds yes or no to whether they had follow-up care outside of healthy athlete events
non_urgent_referrals_outside_of_healthy_athletes number integer Non-urgent referrals outside of Healthy Athletes
non_urgent_referrals_confirmed_to_have_a_place_to_go_outside_of_healthy_athletes number integer Non-urgent referrals outside of Healthy Athletes confirmed to have a place to go for follow-up care.
non_urgent_referrals_confirmed_to_have_received_care_outside_of_healthy_athletes number integer Non-urgent referrals outside of Healthy Athletes confirmed to have received follow-up care.
non_urgent_referrals_enrolled_in_fitness_programming_outside_of_healthy_athletes number integer Non-urgent referrals enrolled in fitness programming outside of Healthy Athlete events.
urgent_referrals_outside_of_healthy_athletes number integer Urgent referrals outside of Healthy Athletes
urgent_referrals_confirmed_to_have_a_place_to_go_outside_of_healthy_athletes number integer Urgent referrals outside of Healthy Athletes confirmed to have a place to go for follow-up care.
urgent_referrals_confirmed_to_have_received_care_outside_of_healthy_athletes number integer Urgent referrals outside of Healthy Athletes confirmed to have received follow-up care.
non_urgent_and_urgent_referrals_outside_of_healthy_athletes number integer Total referrals, urgent and non-urgent, outside of healthy athletes. Pre-calculated in smartsheet.
non_urgent_and_urgent_referrals_confirmed_have_place_to_go_outside_healthy_athletes number integer Total referrals, urgent and non-urgent, outside of healthy athletes that are confirmed to have a place to go for follow-up care. Pre-calculated in smartsheet.
non_urgent_and_urgent_referrals_confirmed_have_received_care_outside_healthy_athletes number integer Total referrals, urgent and non-urgent, outside of healthy athletes that are confirmed to have received follow-up care. Pre-calculated in smartsheet.
non_urgent_referrals_both_in_and_out_of_healthy_athletes number integer All non urgent referrals in healthy athletes and outside of healthy athletes. Pre-calculated in smartsheet.
urgent_referrals_both_in_and_out_of_healthy_athletes number integer All urgent referrals in healthy athletes and outside of healthy athletes. Pre-calculated in smartsheet.
non_urgent_and_urgent_referrals_both_in_and_out_of_healthy_athletes number integer All referrals, non-urgent and urgent, in healthy athletes and outside of healthy athletes. Pre-calculated in smartsheet.
non_urgent_referrals_confirmed_place_to_go_both_in_and_out_of_healthy_athletes number integer Total non-urgent referrals inside and outside of healthy athletes that are confirmed to have a place to go for follow-up care. Pre-calculated in smartsheet.
urgent_referrals_confirmed_place_to_go_both_in_and_out_of_healthy_athletes number integer Total urgent referrals inside and outside of healthy athletes that are confirmed to have a place to go for follow-up care. Pre-calculated in smartsheet.
non_urgent_and_urgent_referrals_confirmed_place_to_go_in_and_out_of_healthy_athletes number integer Total referrals, non-urgent and urgent, both inside and outside of healthy athletes that are confirmed to have a place to go for follow-up care. Pre-calculated in smartsheet.
non_urgent_referrals_confirmed_received_care_both_in_and_out_of_healthy_athletes number integer Total non-urgent referrals inside and outside of healthy athletes that are confirmed to have received follow-up care. Pre-calculated in smartsheet.
urgent_referrals_confirmed_received_care_both_in_and_out_of_healthy_athletes number integer Total urgent referrals inside and outside of healthy athletes that are confirmed to have received follow-up care. Pre-calculated in smartsheet.
non_urgent_and_urgent_referrals_confirmed_received_care_in_and_out_healthy_athletes number integer Total referrals, non-urgent and urgent, both inside and outside of healthy athletes that are confirmed to have received follow-up care. Pre-calculated in smartsheet.
non_urgent_referrals_in_fitness_programming_both_in_and_out_of_healthy_athletes number integer Total non-urgent referrals inside and outside of healthy athletes that had referrals in fitness programming. Pre-calculated in smartsheet.
trainings_for_healthcare_providers_outside_of_healthy_athletes number integer Number of trainings for Healthcare Providers held outside of Healthy Athletes. This is no longer used
trainings_for_healthcare_students_outside_of_healthy_athletes number integer Number of trainings for Healthcare Students held outside of Healthy Athletes.
healthcare_professionals_trained_outside_of_healthy_athletes number integer Outside of Healthy Athletes, how many health care professionals were trained.
healthcare_students_trained_outside_of_healthy_athletes number integer Outside of Healthy Athletes, how many health care students were trained.
total_trainings_outside_of_healthy_athletes number integer Total trainings for healthcare professionals and students outside of Healthy Athletes. Pre-calculated in smartsheet by adding Trainings for Healthcare Providers Outside of HA column with Trainings for Healthcare Students Outside of HA column.
current_partnerships_with_health_professional_schools number integer Number of current partnerships with Health Professional Schools.
new_partnerships_established_this_grant_year number integer Number of new partnerships the Program established in this grant year.
community_health_workers_trained_with_soi_resources number integer Number of Community Health Workers the Program trained using SOI resources.
community_health_workers_trained_by_other_methods number integer Number of Community Health Workers the Program trained using other methods outside of SOI Resources.
in_person_trainings_for_athlete_leaders number integer Number of In-Person trainings the Program held to train Athlete eaders(Health Messengers)
virtual_trainings_for_athlete_leaders number integer Number of Virtual trainings the Program held to train Athlete eaders(Health Messengers)
total_trainings_for_athlete_leaders number integer Total trainings In-Person and Virtual for Athlete Leaders. Pre-calculated in smartsheet by adding In Person Trainings for Athlete Leaders column with Virtual Trainings for Athlete Leaders column.
new_health_messengers_trained number integer How many athletes have you trained as new Health Messengers since the beginning of this grant period. This does not include Health Messengers trained by SOI or your region.
new_health_messengers_actively_promoting_health_and_fitness number integer Of the health messengers newly trained (new_health_messengers_trained), the number of Health Messengers that have been activated for the purpose of health advocacy (i.e., with the goal of influencing the behavior of actors in the health system, presenting about SO health with an ask to a stakeholder).
new_health_messengers_activated_for_health_advocacy number integer Of the health messengers newly trained (new_health_messengers_trained), the number of Health Messengers that have been actively promoting health or fitness in their communities, in your SO Program or with partners. For example, conducting peer education, leading a health or fitness activity, etc.
all_current_health_messengers_ever_trained_by_program_actively_promoting_health_and_fitness number integer Of all of the Programs Health Messengers who have ever been trained by the Program, number that are actively promoting health or fitness in their communities, in your SO Program or with partners? For example, conducting peer education, leading a health or fitness activity, etc.
all_current_health_messengers_ever_trained_by_program_activated_in_health_advocacy number integer Of all of the Programs Health Messengers who have ever been trained by the Program, number of Health Messengers have been activated for the purpose of health advocacy (i.e., with the goal of influencing the behavior of actors in the health system. For example, presenting about SO health with an ask to a stakeholder)
total_partners_engaged_with_program number integer Number of total partners currently engaged with (including any health professional schools).
partners_providing_prevention_and_healthcare number integer Number of those partners (total_partners_engaged_with_program) that provide prevention and healthcare services to people with ID and are accessible to people with ID.
partners_that_accept_medicaid number integer Number of those partners (total_partners_engaged_with_program) that provide prevention and healthcare services to people with ID accept Medicaid
partnerships_with_gyms number integer Number of those partners (total_partners_engaged_with_program) that are in the sector: Gym
partnerships_with_schools_k_through_twelfth_grade number integer Number of those partners (total_partners_engaged_with_program) that are in the sector: School (pre-primary, primary, or secondary education; K-12)
partnerships_with_intergovernmental_organizations number integer Number of those partners (total_partners_engaged_with_program) that are in the sector: Intergovernmental organization
partnerships_with_health_professional_schools number integer Number of those partners (total_partners_engaged_with_program) that are in the sector: Health professional school
partnerships_with_universities number integer Number of those partners (total_partners_engaged_with_program) that are in the sector: : University (other than health professional school)
partnerships_with_small_or_individual_healthcare_providers number integer Number of those partners (total_partners_engaged_with_program) that are in the sector: Small or individual healthcare provider
partnerships_with_large_healthcare_practices_hospitals_or_health_systems number integer How many partners do you have in each of these sectors?: Large healthcare practice, hospital, or health system
partnerships_with_ministry_of_health_and_local_health_departments number integer Number of those partners (total_partners_engaged_with_program) that are in the sector: Ministry of Health or local health department
partnerships_with_health_professional_association_or_certifying_body number integer Number of those partners (total_partners_engaged_with_program) that are in the sector: Health professional association or certifying body
developed_a_provider_service_directory Binary Yes or No changed into Yes = 1 and No = 0 bit Programs answer yes or no to wether they developed a Provider Service Directory.
articles_or_presentations_published_in_academic_journals number integer Number of articles and presentations about Programs health or fitness work published in an academic journal by Program or partner.
articles_or_presentations_discussed_in_the_media number integer Number of articles and presentations about Programs health or fitness work disseminated in the media (e.g., TV, radio, newspaper) and shared on partner websites,
media_pieces_interviewing_health_messengers number integer Number of those media pieces that included quotes and/or interviews with Special Olympics Health Messengers or other athletes.
health_focused_stories_posted_on_program_website number integer Number of health-focused stories were posted on the Program’s website.
web_stories_with_quotes_from_so_health_messengers number integer Number of Web Stories (health_focused_stories_posted_on_program_website) that included quotes from Special Olympics Health Messengers or other athletes.
health_and_fitness_social_media_posts_shared number integer Number of social media posts tied to health and fitness content for people with ID the Program Shared.
flu_vaccine_informational_social_media_posts_shared number integer Number of social media posts tied to the sharing of flu vaccine information the Program shared.
covid19_vaccine_info_social_media_posts_shared number integer Number of social media posts tied to the sharing of COVID-19 vaccine information the Program Shared.


SHE data calculated into desired summary calculations that the health team desired. This has the same information as Summary but this is in a long data format, which makes it easier to connect to PowerBi.

colname colvalues coltype detail
Program Program in same format as Census varchar Program name
ProgramRaw Raw Program name varchar Program name without cleaning in raw format
Region Region in same format as census varchar Region of program
RegionRaw Raw Region name varchar Region without cleaning in raw format
CreatedDateTime Date in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.SSS format datetime Date the row was created in the data warehouse
DateRange Date range of the file varchar Date range of the file. This is a range because the SHE year timeframe is not one year and changes year to year.
Variable Possible variable names, which are the column names from the SHE.Summary table varchar Variable name
Value Number for the value of variable name float Value of the variable in variable name

Raw Files

Table Name colname colvalues coltype detail
Raw table (ex: 2020_2021_Metrics_Chart.xlsx and 2021_2022_Metrics_Chart.xlsx) Program Raw Program name varchar(max) Raw Program name
Raw table (ex: 2020_2021_Metrics_Chart.xlsx and 2021_2022_Metrics_Chart.xlsx) Region Raw Region name varchar(max) Raw Region name
Raw table (ex: 2020_2021_Metrics_Chart.xlsx and 2021_2022_Metrics_Chart.xlsx) US Program Yes or No bit If the program is a US based program
Raw table (ex: 2020_2021_Metrics_Chart.xlsx and 2021_2022_Metrics_Chart.xlsx) Report Submitted in Qualtrics true or blank bit If the report is submitted in Qualtrics, blank if false
Raw table (ex: 2020_2021_Metrics_Chart.xlsx and 2021_2022_Metrics_Chart.xlsx) Current HC Funding Tier
Raw table (ex: 2020_2021_Metrics_Chart.xlsx and 2021_2022_Metrics_Chart.xlsx) Mid Year Report Required Yes or No bit
Raw table (ex: 2020_2021_Metrics_Chart.xlsx and 2021_2022_Metrics_Chart.xlsx) Program Metrics Updated TRUE or blank bit
Raw table (ex: 2020_2021_Metrics_Chart.xlsx and 2021_2022_Metrics_Chart.xlsx) Athletes Registered in Program
Raw table (ex: 2020_2021_Metrics_Chart.xlsx and 2021_2022_Metrics_Chart.xlsx) Athletes Participating in Health Activities
Raw table (ex: 2020_2021_Metrics_Chart.xlsx and 2021_2022_Metrics_Chart.xlsx) Pct Athletes Participating in Health Activities
Raw table (ex: 2020_2021_Metrics_Chart.xlsx and 2021_2022_Metrics_Chart.xlsx) SOI Approved Funds for HIG
Raw table (ex: 2020_2021_Metrics_Chart.xlsx and 2021_2022_Metrics_Chart.xlsx) Total VIK
Raw table (ex: 2020_2021_Metrics_Chart.xlsx and 2021_2022_Metrics_Chart.xlsx) Total Cash
Raw table (ex: 2020_2021_Metrics_Chart.xlsx and 2021_2022_Metrics_Chart.xlsx) Total Cash and VIK From Program and Partners
Raw table (ex: 2020_2021_Metrics_Chart.xlsx and 2021_2022_Metrics_Chart.xlsx) Total Cash and VIK and SOI Funds
Raw table (ex: 2020_2021_Metrics_Chart.xlsx and 2021_2022_Metrics_Chart.xlsx) Young Athletes With ID
Raw table (ex: 2020_2021_Metrics_Chart.xlsx and 2021_2022_Metrics_Chart.xlsx) New Young Athletes With ID as of Grant Year
Raw table (ex: 2020_2021_Metrics_Chart.xlsx and 2021_2022_Metrics_Chart.xlsx) Young Athletes Without ID
Raw table (ex: 2020_2021_Metrics_Chart.xlsx and 2021_2022_Metrics_Chart.xlsx) New Young Athletes Without ID as of Grant Year
Raw table (ex: 2020_2021_Metrics_Chart.xlsx and 2021_2022_Metrics_Chart.xlsx) Young Athletes With and Without ID
Raw table (ex: 2020_2021_Metrics_Chart.xlsx and 2021_2022_Metrics_Chart.xlsx) New Young Athletes With and Without ID as of GY
Raw table (ex: 2020_2021_Metrics_Chart.xlsx and 2021_2022_Metrics_Chart.xlsx) Ongoing Maintenance and Engagement of YA
Raw table (ex: 2020_2021_Metrics_Chart.xlsx and 2021_2022_Metrics_Chart.xlsx) Fitness Opportunities
Raw table (ex: 2020_2021_Metrics_Chart.xlsx and 2021_2022_Metrics_Chart.xlsx) PWID in Ongoing Fitness Programming In Person
Raw table (ex: 2020_2021_Metrics_Chart.xlsx and 2021_2022_Metrics_Chart.xlsx) PWID in Ongoing Fitness Programming Virtual
Raw table (ex: 2020_2021_Metrics_Chart.xlsx and 2021_2022_Metrics_Chart.xlsx) PWID in Ongoing Fit Programming In Person Virtual
Raw table (ex: 2020_2021_Metrics_Chart.xlsx and 2021_2022_Metrics_Chart.xlsx) Pct of Athletes in Structured Fitness Programming
Raw table (ex: 2020_2021_Metrics_Chart.xlsx and 2021_2022_Metrics_Chart.xlsx) PWID in One Time Fitness In Person
Raw table (ex: 2020_2021_Metrics_Chart.xlsx and 2021_2022_Metrics_Chart.xlsx) PWID in One Time Fitness Virtual
Raw table (ex: 2020_2021_Metrics_Chart.xlsx and 2021_2022_Metrics_Chart.xlsx) PWID in One Time Fitness In Person and Virtual
Raw table (ex: 2020_2021_Metrics_Chart.xlsx and 2021_2022_Metrics_Chart.xlsx) Unified Partners in Fitness Programming In Person
Raw table (ex: 2020_2021_Metrics_Chart.xlsx and 2021_2022_Metrics_Chart.xlsx) Unified Partners in Fitness Programming Virtual
Raw table (ex: 2020_2021_Metrics_Chart.xlsx and 2021_2022_Metrics_Chart.xlsx) School Based Fitness Participants In Person
Raw table (ex: 2020_2021_Metrics_Chart.xlsx and 2021_2022_Metrics_Chart.xlsx) School Based Fitness Participants Virtual
Raw table (ex: 2020_2021_Metrics_Chart.xlsx and 2021_2022_Metrics_Chart.xlsx) Fit 5 Yes or No bit
Raw table (ex: 2020_2021_Metrics_Chart.xlsx and 2021_2022_Metrics_Chart.xlsx) High 5 Yes or No bit
Raw table (ex: 2020_2021_Metrics_Chart.xlsx and 2021_2022_Metrics_Chart.xlsx) Unified Fitness Club Yes or No bit
Raw table (ex: 2020_2021_Metrics_Chart.xlsx and 2021_2022_Metrics_Chart.xlsx) Fit Families and Friends Yes or No bit
Raw table (ex: 2020_2021_Metrics_Chart.xlsx and 2021_2022_Metrics_Chart.xlsx) SOfit Yes or No bit
Raw table (ex: 2020_2021_Metrics_Chart.xlsx and 2021_2022_Metrics_Chart.xlsx) Performance Stations Yes or No bit
Raw table (ex: 2020_2021_Metrics_Chart.xlsx and 2021_2022_Metrics_Chart.xlsx) Other Ongoing Fitness Programming Yes or No bit
Raw table (ex: 2020_2021_Metrics_Chart.xlsx and 2021_2022_Metrics_Chart.xlsx) Preventative Health Education Opportunities
Raw table (ex: 2020_2021_Metrics_Chart.xlsx and 2021_2022_Metrics_Chart.xlsx) PWID Engaged in PHE
Raw table (ex: 2020_2021_Metrics_Chart.xlsx and 2021_2022_Metrics_Chart.xlsx) Unified Partners Engaged in PHE
Raw table (ex: 2020_2021_Metrics_Chart.xlsx and 2021_2022_Metrics_Chart.xlsx) Family Members or Caregivers Engaged in PHE
Raw table (ex: 2020_2021_Metrics_Chart.xlsx and 2021_2022_Metrics_Chart.xlsx) Total People Engaged in PHE
Raw table (ex: 2020_2021_Metrics_Chart.xlsx and 2021_2022_Metrics_Chart.xlsx) In Person Trainings for Coaches
Raw table (ex: 2020_2021_Metrics_Chart.xlsx and 2021_2022_Metrics_Chart.xlsx) Coaches Trained to Integrate HF In Person
Raw table (ex: 2020_2021_Metrics_Chart.xlsx and 2021_2022_Metrics_Chart.xlsx) Coaches Trained Actively Integrating HF In Person
Raw table (ex: 2020_2021_Metrics_Chart.xlsx and 2021_2022_Metrics_Chart.xlsx) Virtual Trainings for Coaches
Raw table (ex: 2020_2021_Metrics_Chart.xlsx and 2021_2022_Metrics_Chart.xlsx) Coaches Trained to Integrate HF Virtual
Raw table (ex: 2020_2021_Metrics_Chart.xlsx and 2021_2022_Metrics_Chart.xlsx) Coaches Trained Actively Integrating HF Virtual
Raw table (ex: 2020_2021_Metrics_Chart.xlsx and 2021_2022_Metrics_Chart.xlsx) Trainings for Coaches In Person and Virtual
Raw table (ex: 2020_2021_Metrics_Chart.xlsx and 2021_2022_Metrics_Chart.xlsx) Coaches Trained to Integrate HF
Raw table (ex: 2020_2021_Metrics_Chart.xlsx and 2021_2022_Metrics_Chart.xlsx) Coaches Actively Integrating HF
Raw table (ex: 2020_2021_Metrics_Chart.xlsx and 2021_2022_Metrics_Chart.xlsx) Held HA Yes or No bit
Raw table (ex: 2020_2021_Metrics_Chart.xlsx and 2021_2022_Metrics_Chart.xlsx) Virtual HA
Raw table (ex: 2020_2021_Metrics_Chart.xlsx and 2021_2022_Metrics_Chart.xlsx) SOI Funds for HA
Raw table (ex: 2020_2021_Metrics_Chart.xlsx and 2021_2022_Metrics_Chart.xlsx) VIK for HA
Raw table (ex: 2020_2021_Metrics_Chart.xlsx and 2021_2022_Metrics_Chart.xlsx) Cash for HA
Raw table (ex: 2020_2021_Metrics_Chart.xlsx and 2021_2022_Metrics_Chart.xlsx) Cash and VIK for HA
Raw table (ex: 2020_2021_Metrics_Chart.xlsx and 2021_2022_Metrics_Chart.xlsx) Total Cash and VIK and SOI Funds for HA
Raw table (ex: 2020_2021_Metrics_Chart.xlsx and 2021_2022_Metrics_Chart.xlsx) C2 Pct Total HA Events Locally Funded
Raw table (ex: 2020_2021_Metrics_Chart.xlsx and 2021_2022_Metrics_Chart.xlsx) C2 Flex Pct Programming Locally Funded
Raw table (ex: 2020_2021_Metrics_Chart.xlsx and 2021_2022_Metrics_Chart.xlsx) Overall HA Disciplines Offered
Raw table (ex: 2020_2021_Metrics_Chart.xlsx and 2021_2022_Metrics_Chart.xlsx) Overall HA Events
Raw table (ex: 2020_2021_Metrics_Chart.xlsx and 2021_2022_Metrics_Chart.xlsx) Overall Screenings Fit Feet
Raw table (ex: 2020_2021_Metrics_Chart.xlsx and 2021_2022_Metrics_Chart.xlsx) Overall Screenings Fun Fitness
Raw table (ex: 2020_2021_Metrics_Chart.xlsx and 2021_2022_Metrics_Chart.xlsx) Overall Screenings Health Promotion
Raw table (ex: 2020_2021_Metrics_Chart.xlsx and 2021_2022_Metrics_Chart.xlsx) Overall Screenings Healthy Hearing
Raw table (ex: 2020_2021_Metrics_Chart.xlsx and 2021_2022_Metrics_Chart.xlsx) Overall Screenings Med Fest
Raw table (ex: 2020_2021_Metrics_Chart.xlsx and 2021_2022_Metrics_Chart.xlsx) Overall Screenings Opening Eyes
Raw table (ex: 2020_2021_Metrics_Chart.xlsx and 2021_2022_Metrics_Chart.xlsx) Overall Screenings Special Smiles
Raw table (ex: 2020_2021_Metrics_Chart.xlsx and 2021_2022_Metrics_Chart.xlsx) Overall Screenings Strong Minds
Raw table (ex: 2020_2021_Metrics_Chart.xlsx and 2021_2022_Metrics_Chart.xlsx) Overall Screenings Total
Raw table (ex: 2020_2021_Metrics_Chart.xlsx and 2021_2022_Metrics_Chart.xlsx) Events in New Locations
Raw table (ex: 2020_2021_Metrics_Chart.xlsx and 2021_2022_Metrics_Chart.xlsx) Disciplines in New Locations
Raw table (ex: 2020_2021_Metrics_Chart.xlsx and 2021_2022_Metrics_Chart.xlsx) Screenings in New Locations
Raw table (ex: 2020_2021_Metrics_Chart.xlsx and 2021_2022_Metrics_Chart.xlsx) Health Professional Volunteers
Raw table (ex: 2020_2021_Metrics_Chart.xlsx and 2021_2022_Metrics_Chart.xlsx) Health Professional Student Volunteers
Raw table (ex: 2020_2021_Metrics_Chart.xlsx and 2021_2022_Metrics_Chart.xlsx) Non Health Professional Volunteers
Raw table (ex: 2020_2021_Metrics_Chart.xlsx and 2021_2022_Metrics_Chart.xlsx) Other Volunteers Not H Professional or Student
Raw table (ex: 2020_2021_Metrics_Chart.xlsx and 2021_2022_Metrics_Chart.xlsx) Total Volunteers
Raw table (ex: 2020_2021_Metrics_Chart.xlsx and 2021_2022_Metrics_Chart.xlsx) Disciplines Offered C3 Flex
Raw table (ex: 2020_2021_Metrics_Chart.xlsx and 2021_2022_Metrics_Chart.xlsx) Follow Up is Needed
Raw table (ex: 2020_2021_Metrics_Chart.xlsx and 2021_2022_Metrics_Chart.xlsx) Disciplines Providing Referrals C4
Raw table (ex: 2020_2021_Metrics_Chart.xlsx and 2021_2022_Metrics_Chart.xlsx) Non Urgent Referrals: Fit Feet
Raw table (ex: 2020_2021_Metrics_Chart.xlsx and 2021_2022_Metrics_Chart.xlsx) NUR Confirmed to Have a Place to Go: Fit Feet
Raw table (ex: 2020_2021_Metrics_Chart.xlsx and 2021_2022_Metrics_Chart.xlsx) NUR Confirmed to Have Received Care: Fit Feet
Raw table (ex: 2020_2021_Metrics_Chart.xlsx and 2021_2022_Metrics_Chart.xlsx) Urgent Referrals: Fit Feet
Raw table (ex: 2020_2021_Metrics_Chart.xlsx and 2021_2022_Metrics_Chart.xlsx) UR Confirmed to Have a Place to Go: Fit Feet
Raw table (ex: 2020_2021_Metrics_Chart.xlsx and 2021_2022_Metrics_Chart.xlsx) UR Confirmed to Have Received Care: Fit Feet
Raw table (ex: 2020_2021_Metrics_Chart.xlsx and 2021_2022_Metrics_Chart.xlsx) Non Urgent Referrals: Fun Fitness
Raw table (ex: 2020_2021_Metrics_Chart.xlsx and 2021_2022_Metrics_Chart.xlsx) NUR Confirmed to Have a Place to Go: Fun Fitness
Raw table (ex: 2020_2021_Metrics_Chart.xlsx and 2021_2022_Metrics_Chart.xlsx) NUR Confirmed to Have Received Care: Fun Fitness
Raw table (ex: 2020_2021_Metrics_Chart.xlsx and 2021_2022_Metrics_Chart.xlsx) NUR Enrolled in Fitness Programming: Fun Fitness
Raw table (ex: 2020_2021_Metrics_Chart.xlsx and 2021_2022_Metrics_Chart.xlsx) Urgent Referrals: Fun Fitness
Raw table (ex: 2020_2021_Metrics_Chart.xlsx and 2021_2022_Metrics_Chart.xlsx) UR Confirmed to Have a Place to Go: Fun Fitness
Raw table (ex: 2020_2021_Metrics_Chart.xlsx and 2021_2022_Metrics_Chart.xlsx) UR Confirmed to Have Received Care: Fun Fitness
Raw table (ex: 2020_2021_Metrics_Chart.xlsx and 2021_2022_Metrics_Chart.xlsx) Non Urgent Referrals: Health Promotion
Raw table (ex: 2020_2021_Metrics_Chart.xlsx and 2021_2022_Metrics_Chart.xlsx) NUR Confirmed to Have a Place to Go: HP
Raw table (ex: 2020_2021_Metrics_Chart.xlsx and 2021_2022_Metrics_Chart.xlsx) NUR Confirmed to Have Received Care: HP
Raw table (ex: 2020_2021_Metrics_Chart.xlsx and 2021_2022_Metrics_Chart.xlsx) NUR Enrolled in Fitness Programming: HP
Raw table (ex: 2020_2021_Metrics_Chart.xlsx and 2021_2022_Metrics_Chart.xlsx) Urgent Referrals: Health Promotion
Raw table (ex: 2020_2021_Metrics_Chart.xlsx and 2021_2022_Metrics_Chart.xlsx) UR Confirmed to Have a Place to Go: HP
Raw table (ex: 2020_2021_Metrics_Chart.xlsx and 2021_2022_Metrics_Chart.xlsx) UR Confirmed to Have Received Care: HP
Raw table (ex: 2020_2021_Metrics_Chart.xlsx and 2021_2022_Metrics_Chart.xlsx) Non Urgent Referrals: Healthy Hearing
Raw table (ex: 2020_2021_Metrics_Chart.xlsx and 2021_2022_Metrics_Chart.xlsx) NUR Confirmed to Have a Place to Go: HH
Raw table (ex: 2020_2021_Metrics_Chart.xlsx and 2021_2022_Metrics_Chart.xlsx) NUR Confirmed to Have Received Care: HH
Raw table (ex: 2020_2021_Metrics_Chart.xlsx and 2021_2022_Metrics_Chart.xlsx) Urgent Referrals: Healthy Hearing
Raw table (ex: 2020_2021_Metrics_Chart.xlsx and 2021_2022_Metrics_Chart.xlsx) UR Confirmed to Have a Place to Go: HH
Raw table (ex: 2020_2021_Metrics_Chart.xlsx and 2021_2022_Metrics_Chart.xlsx) UR Confirmed to Have Received Care: HH
Raw table (ex: 2020_2021_Metrics_Chart.xlsx and 2021_2022_Metrics_Chart.xlsx) Athletes Flagged: Med Fest
Raw table (ex: 2020_2021_Metrics_Chart.xlsx and 2021_2022_Metrics_Chart.xlsx) Athletes Confirmed to Have a Place to Go: MF
Raw table (ex: 2020_2021_Metrics_Chart.xlsx and 2021_2022_Metrics_Chart.xlsx) Athletes Confirmed to Have Received Care: MF
Raw table (ex: 2020_2021_Metrics_Chart.xlsx and 2021_2022_Metrics_Chart.xlsx) Non Urgent Referrals: Opening Eyes
Raw table (ex: 2020_2021_Metrics_Chart.xlsx and 2021_2022_Metrics_Chart.xlsx) NUR Confirmed to Have a Place to Go: OE
Raw table (ex: 2020_2021_Metrics_Chart.xlsx and 2021_2022_Metrics_Chart.xlsx) NUR Confirmed to Have Received Care: OE
Raw table (ex: 2020_2021_Metrics_Chart.xlsx and 2021_2022_Metrics_Chart.xlsx) Urgent Referrals: Opening Eyes
Raw table (ex: 2020_2021_Metrics_Chart.xlsx and 2021_2022_Metrics_Chart.xlsx) UR Confirmed to Have a Place to Go: OE
Raw table (ex: 2020_2021_Metrics_Chart.xlsx and 2021_2022_Metrics_Chart.xlsx) UR Confirmed to Have Received Care: OE
Raw table (ex: 2020_2021_Metrics_Chart.xlsx and 2021_2022_Metrics_Chart.xlsx) Non Urgent Referrals: Special Smiles
Raw table (ex: 2020_2021_Metrics_Chart.xlsx and 2021_2022_Metrics_Chart.xlsx) NUR Confirmed to Have a Place to Go: SS
Raw table (ex: 2020_2021_Metrics_Chart.xlsx and 2021_2022_Metrics_Chart.xlsx) NUR Confirmed to Have Received Care: SS
Raw table (ex: 2020_2021_Metrics_Chart.xlsx and 2021_2022_Metrics_Chart.xlsx) Urgent Referrals: Special Smiles
Raw table (ex: 2020_2021_Metrics_Chart.xlsx and 2021_2022_Metrics_Chart.xlsx) UR Confirmed to Have a Place to Go: SS
Raw table (ex: 2020_2021_Metrics_Chart.xlsx and 2021_2022_Metrics_Chart.xlsx) UR Confirmed to Have Received Care: SS
Raw table (ex: 2020_2021_Metrics_Chart.xlsx and 2021_2022_Metrics_Chart.xlsx) Non Urgent Referrals
Raw table (ex: 2020_2021_Metrics_Chart.xlsx and 2021_2022_Metrics_Chart.xlsx) Urgent Referrals
Raw table (ex: 2020_2021_Metrics_Chart.xlsx and 2021_2022_Metrics_Chart.xlsx) Referrals Urgent and Non Urgent and Med Fest
Raw table (ex: 2020_2021_Metrics_Chart.xlsx and 2021_2022_Metrics_Chart.xlsx) NUR Confirmed to Have Place to Go
Raw table (ex: 2020_2021_Metrics_Chart.xlsx and 2021_2022_Metrics_Chart.xlsx) NUR Confirmed to Have Received Care
Raw table (ex: 2020_2021_Metrics_Chart.xlsx and 2021_2022_Metrics_Chart.xlsx) UR Confirmed to Have a Place to Go
Raw table (ex: 2020_2021_Metrics_Chart.xlsx and 2021_2022_Metrics_Chart.xlsx) UR Confirmed to Have Received Care
Raw table (ex: 2020_2021_Metrics_Chart.xlsx and 2021_2022_Metrics_Chart.xlsx) NUR and UR Confirmed to Have a Place to Go
Raw table (ex: 2020_2021_Metrics_Chart.xlsx and 2021_2022_Metrics_Chart.xlsx) NUR and UR Confirmed to Have Received Care
Raw table (ex: 2020_2021_Metrics_Chart.xlsx and 2021_2022_Metrics_Chart.xlsx) Follow Up Care Outside Healthy Athletes bit
Raw table (ex: 2020_2021_Metrics_Chart.xlsx and 2021_2022_Metrics_Chart.xlsx) Non Urgent Referrals Outside of HA
Raw table (ex: 2020_2021_Metrics_Chart.xlsx and 2021_2022_Metrics_Chart.xlsx) NUR Confirmed to Have a Place to Go Outside of HA
Raw table (ex: 2020_2021_Metrics_Chart.xlsx and 2021_2022_Metrics_Chart.xlsx) NUR Confirmed to Have Received Care Outside of HA
Raw table (ex: 2020_2021_Metrics_Chart.xlsx and 2021_2022_Metrics_Chart.xlsx) NUR Enrolled in Fitness Programming Outside of HA
Raw table (ex: 2020_2021_Metrics_Chart.xlsx and 2021_2022_Metrics_Chart.xlsx) Urgent Referrals Outside of HA
Raw table (ex: 2020_2021_Metrics_Chart.xlsx and 2021_2022_Metrics_Chart.xlsx) UR Confirmed to Have a Place to Go Outside of HA
Raw table (ex: 2020_2021_Metrics_Chart.xlsx and 2021_2022_Metrics_Chart.xlsx) UR Confirmed to Have Received Care Outside of HA
Raw table (ex: 2020_2021_Metrics_Chart.xlsx and 2021_2022_Metrics_Chart.xlsx) NUR and UR Outside of HA
Raw table (ex: 2020_2021_Metrics_Chart.xlsx and 2021_2022_Metrics_Chart.xlsx) NUR and UR Confirmed Have Place to Go Outside HA
Raw table (ex: 2020_2021_Metrics_Chart.xlsx and 2021_2022_Metrics_Chart.xlsx) NUR and UR Confirmed Have Received Care Outside HA
Raw table (ex: 2020_2021_Metrics_Chart.xlsx and 2021_2022_Metrics_Chart.xlsx) Non Urgent Referrals Both In and Out of HA
Raw table (ex: 2020_2021_Metrics_Chart.xlsx and 2021_2022_Metrics_Chart.xlsx) Urgent Referrals Both In and Out of HA
Raw table (ex: 2020_2021_Metrics_Chart.xlsx and 2021_2022_Metrics_Chart.xlsx) NUR and UR Both In and Out of HA
Raw table (ex: 2020_2021_Metrics_Chart.xlsx and 2021_2022_Metrics_Chart.xlsx) NUR Confirmed Place to Go Both In and Out of HA
Raw table (ex: 2020_2021_Metrics_Chart.xlsx and 2021_2022_Metrics_Chart.xlsx) UR Confirmed Place to Go Both In and Out of HA
Raw table (ex: 2020_2021_Metrics_Chart.xlsx and 2021_2022_Metrics_Chart.xlsx) NUR and UR Confirmed Place to Go In and Out of HA
Raw table (ex: 2020_2021_Metrics_Chart.xlsx and 2021_2022_Metrics_Chart.xlsx) NUR Confirmed Received Care Both In and Out of HA
Raw table (ex: 2020_2021_Metrics_Chart.xlsx and 2021_2022_Metrics_Chart.xlsx) UR Confirmed Received Care Both In and Out of HA
Raw table (ex: 2020_2021_Metrics_Chart.xlsx and 2021_2022_Metrics_Chart.xlsx) NUR and UR Confirmed Received Care In and Out HA
Raw table (ex: 2020_2021_Metrics_Chart.xlsx and 2021_2022_Metrics_Chart.xlsx) NUR in Fitness Programming Both In and Out of HA
Raw table (ex: 2020_2021_Metrics_Chart.xlsx and 2021_2022_Metrics_Chart.xlsx) C4 Flex Pct Referrals Conf Place to Go
Raw table (ex: 2020_2021_Metrics_Chart.xlsx and 2021_2022_Metrics_Chart.xlsx) Trainings for Healthcare Providers Outside of HA
Raw table (ex: 2020_2021_Metrics_Chart.xlsx and 2021_2022_Metrics_Chart.xlsx) Trainings for Healthcare Students Outside of HA
Raw table (ex: 2020_2021_Metrics_Chart.xlsx and 2021_2022_Metrics_Chart.xlsx) Healthcare Professionals Trained Outside of HA
Raw table (ex: 2020_2021_Metrics_Chart.xlsx and 2021_2022_Metrics_Chart.xlsx) Healthcare Students Trained Outside of HA
Raw table (ex: 2020_2021_Metrics_Chart.xlsx and 2021_2022_Metrics_Chart.xlsx) Total Trainings Outside of Healthy Athletes
Raw table (ex: 2020_2021_Metrics_Chart.xlsx and 2021_2022_Metrics_Chart.xlsx) Current Partnerships Health Professional Schools
Raw table (ex: 2020_2021_Metrics_Chart.xlsx and 2021_2022_Metrics_Chart.xlsx) New Partnerships Established This Grant Year
Raw table (ex: 2020_2021_Metrics_Chart.xlsx and 2021_2022_Metrics_Chart.xlsx) Community Health Workers Trained With SOI Resource
Raw table (ex: 2020_2021_Metrics_Chart.xlsx and 2021_2022_Metrics_Chart.xlsx) Community Health Workers Trained by Other Methods
Raw table (ex: 2020_2021_Metrics_Chart.xlsx and 2021_2022_Metrics_Chart.xlsx) In Person Trainings for Athlete Leaders
Raw table (ex: 2020_2021_Metrics_Chart.xlsx and 2021_2022_Metrics_Chart.xlsx) Virtual trainings for Athlete Leaders
Raw table (ex: 2020_2021_Metrics_Chart.xlsx and 2021_2022_Metrics_Chart.xlsx) Total Trainings for Athlete Leaders
Raw table (ex: 2020_2021_Metrics_Chart.xlsx and 2021_2022_Metrics_Chart.xlsx) Athletes Trained as New Health Messengers
Raw table (ex: 2020_2021_Metrics_Chart.xlsx and 2021_2022_Metrics_Chart.xlsx) Newly Trained HM Actively Promoting HF
Raw table (ex: 2020_2021_Metrics_Chart.xlsx and 2021_2022_Metrics_Chart.xlsx) Newly Trained HM Activated for Health Advocacy
Raw table (ex: 2020_2021_Metrics_Chart.xlsx and 2021_2022_Metrics_Chart.xlsx) Pct of Athletes Trained HM Actively Promoting HF
Raw table (ex: 2020_2021_Metrics_Chart.xlsx and 2021_2022_Metrics_Chart.xlsx) All Current HM Trained Actively Promoting HF
Raw table (ex: 2020_2021_Metrics_Chart.xlsx and 2021_2022_Metrics_Chart.xlsx) All Current HM Trained Activated in Health Advocacy
Raw table (ex: 2020_2021_Metrics_Chart.xlsx and 2021_2022_Metrics_Chart.xlsx) Total Partners Engaged With Program
Raw table (ex: 2020_2021_Metrics_Chart.xlsx and 2021_2022_Metrics_Chart.xlsx) Partners Providing Prevention and Healthcare
Raw table (ex: 2020_2021_Metrics_Chart.xlsx and 2021_2022_Metrics_Chart.xlsx) Partners That Accept Medicaid
Raw table (ex: 2020_2021_Metrics_Chart.xlsx and 2021_2022_Metrics_Chart.xlsx) Partners: Gym
Raw table (ex: 2020_2021_Metrics_Chart.xlsx and 2021_2022_Metrics_Chart.xlsx) Partners: Schools K Through 12
Raw table (ex: 2020_2021_Metrics_Chart.xlsx and 2021_2022_Metrics_Chart.xlsx) Partners: Intergovernmental Organization
Raw table (ex: 2020_2021_Metrics_Chart.xlsx and 2021_2022_Metrics_Chart.xlsx) Partners: Health Professional Schools
Raw table (ex: 2020_2021_Metrics_Chart.xlsx and 2021_2022_Metrics_Chart.xlsx) Partners: University
Raw table (ex: 2020_2021_Metrics_Chart.xlsx and 2021_2022_Metrics_Chart.xlsx) Partners: Small or Individual Healthcare Providers
Raw table (ex: 2020_2021_Metrics_Chart.xlsx and 2021_2022_Metrics_Chart.xlsx) Partners: Large Healthcare Practice or Hospital
Raw table (ex: 2020_2021_Metrics_Chart.xlsx and 2021_2022_Metrics_Chart.xlsx) Partners: Ministry of Health or Local Health Dept
Raw table (ex: 2020_2021_Metrics_Chart.xlsx and 2021_2022_Metrics_Chart.xlsx) Partners: Health Professional Assoc or Cert Body
Raw table (ex: 2020_2021_Metrics_Chart.xlsx and 2021_2022_Metrics_Chart.xlsx) Developed a Provider Service Directory Yes or No bit
Raw table (ex: 2020_2021_Metrics_Chart.xlsx and 2021_2022_Metrics_Chart.xlsx) Publications in Academic Journals
Raw table (ex: 2020_2021_Metrics_Chart.xlsx and 2021_2022_Metrics_Chart.xlsx) Articles or Presentations Discussed in the Media
Raw table (ex: 2020_2021_Metrics_Chart.xlsx and 2021_2022_Metrics_Chart.xlsx) Media Pieces Interviewing Health Messengers
Raw table (ex: 2020_2021_Metrics_Chart.xlsx and 2021_2022_Metrics_Chart.xlsx) Health Focused Stories Posted on Program Website
Raw table (ex: 2020_2021_Metrics_Chart.xlsx and 2021_2022_Metrics_Chart.xlsx) Web Stories With Quotes From SO Health Messengers
Raw table (ex: 2020_2021_Metrics_Chart.xlsx and 2021_2022_Metrics_Chart.xlsx) Health and Fitness Social Media Posts Shared
Raw table (ex: 2020_2021_Metrics_Chart.xlsx and 2021_2022_Metrics_Chart.xlsx) Flu Vaccine Informational Social Media Posts Shared
Raw table (ex: 2020_2021_Metrics_Chart.xlsx and 2021_2022_Metrics_Chart.xlsx) COVID19 Vaccine Info Social Media Posts Shared


Acronym Note
H: Health In a couple areas there wasnt enough space to write out "Health"
HA: Healthy Athletes
HC: Healthy Communities
US: United States
VIK: Value In Kind
ID: Intellectual Disability
HIG: Health Impact Grant
GY: Grant Year
YA: Young Athletes
PWID: People With ID
PHE: Preventative Health Education
HF: Health and Fitness
Pct: Percentage
NUR: Non Urgent Referrals
UR: Urgent Referrals
HP: Health Promotion
HH: Healthy Hearing
MF: Med Fest
OE: Opening Eyes
SS: Special Smiles
Health Professional Assoc or Cert Body: Health Professional Association or Certifying Body
Ministry of Health or Local Health Dept: Ministry of Health or Local Health Department
Large Healthcare Practice or Hospital: Large Healthcare Practice or Hospital or System