- Product Owners: Laura Jones, Reuben Silva, Saloni Mohanty
- Vendor: ATS
- Data: Karly Jerman, Jackie Palmer, Jacob Neely
Census is a data collection tool that gives useful information about how Special Olympics is growing. It helps us understand the difference Special Olympics makes to its members around the world and which Programs need more support. It gives us information to help make strategic decisions about our work and is used for showing our work to our current donors and for getting new supporters.
Changes to census take 2 years. The first year a change is made it is optional for programs to implement. After the first year, it becomes mandatory. Census is an annual process and therefore, it will take 2 years to see a change.
Our vendor, ATS is a company that we partner with that handles the Census system. Reuben is the point of contact with ATS. They created the databases that our team would then query to put into our data warehouse.
- Devin Fisher: dfisher@appliedtrg.com.
- Mark Bambino: mbambino@appliedtrg.com.
Census Reach and Verification Dashboard
Census Dashboards are available in PowerBi. Please look at the instructions under Python automation to add users
here https://specialolympics.github.io/soi-docs/data_best_practices/external_access/ for access.
Accessing the Census Database
The Census Database is an Azure SQL Server.
Starting March 1st, 2023, you can now use the VPN to access the databases without whitelisting your IP address.
Please contact Tim to whitelist your IP address. Use the following credentials to access the database:
Enter the following credentials:
| Input | Response |
| Host | toavxlcb8k.database.windows.net |
| Port | 1433 |
| Authentication | User & Password |
| Database | Prod_v01xx |
| User | soiservices_read |
| Password | Reach out to Karly for the password |